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울산시민의 건강실천을 위한 식생활 행태 KCI 등재

Dietary Behaviors of Adults for Health in Ulsan City

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/253328
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

This paper is an effort to describe dietary behaviors to keep them healthy among adults. A probability sample was drawn from residents aged between 15 and 60 living in Ulsan City area through a multi-staged cluster sampling method. The data collected by face-to-face interview includes 1,232 respondents. Both univariate and bivariate analyses were employed to describe the dietary behaviors. The dietary behaviors in this study includes preference of taking fat-part of meat, fried food, salty food, hot-taste food, drinking coffee and milk, and taking supplementary medicine. About half of the respondents reported to take fat removed when eating meat, and more than 68% of them preferred not to take any kinds of fried food. With respect to preference of salty and hot-taste food, 39.6% of the respondents take medium-salty and 39.4% do hot-taste food. A third of the respondents drink two-four cups of coffee a day. Those who reported not to drink milk at all were prevalent(37.4% of the respondents) than expected. However, less than 20% of the respondents reported to have any kinds of supplementary health food in a year. These dietary behaviors were examined by sociodemographic characteristics for bivariate analyses.

  • 신애숙 | Shin, Ae-Sook
  • 김광기 | Kim, Kwang-Kee