패모재배시(貝母栽培時) 파종적기(播種適期) 및 적정(適正) 재식밀도(栽植密度)를 구명(究明)하고자 충북지방재내종(忠北地方在來種)을 공시(供試)하여 1989~1991년에 걸쳐 파종기(播種期)는 8월(月) 20일(日)부터 10월(月) 10일(日)까지 10일(日) 간격(間隔)으로 6회(回), 재식밀도(栽植密度)는, m2당(當) 약구(弱球), 22, 17, 13구(球) 등(球) 4처리(處理)로 시험(試驗)을 수행한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 파종(播種)이 빠를수록 출현(出現)이 빨라지나 파종기(播種期)가 50일(日) 늦어도 출현기(出現期)는 14일(日)이 늦었으며, 초장(草長)은 8월(月) 20日 22.7cm보다 파종(播種)이 늦어질수록 2.4~5.6cm가 각각(各各) 짧았으나 만파(晩播)인 10月 10日에는 5.6cm가 짧았다. 2. 파종기별(播種期別) 수양(收量)은 8월(月) 30일(日)의 829kg/10a에 비(比)하여 8월(月) 20일(日)은 1%증수(增收)되었으나 9월(月) 10일(日)은 4%, 9월(月) 20일(日)은 25%, 9월(月) 30일(日)은 30%, 10월(月)10일(日)은 30%로 급감(急減)되어 8월(月) 20일(日)~8월(月) 30일(日)이 유리(有利)하였다. 3. 출현(出現)은 m2당(當) 3구(球)의 3월(月) 7월(月)보다 소식(疎植)할수록 1~3일(日)이 각각(各各)늦었고, 초장(草長)은 금구(錦球)의 21.8cm에 비(比)하여 0.7~1.8cm가 짧았으며, 동수(童數)는 3구(球)의 0.1개(個)보다 22구(球)는 0.4개(個), 17구(球)는 0.6개(個), 교라는 0.5개(個)가 각각(各各) 많아 밀식(密植)보다 소식(疎植)에서 많았다. 4. 수양(收量)은 m2당 22구(球) 854kg/10a에 비(比)하여 훈구(訓球)는 2% 증수(增收) 되었으나 17구(球)는 16% 13구(球)는 34%가 각각(各各) 감수(減收)되었다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果) 중부내륙지방(中部內陸地方)에서 패모재배시(貝母栽培時) 파종기(播種期)는 8월(月) 25일(日) 전후(前後), 재식밀도(栽植密度)는 m2당(當) 22구(球) 내외(內外)가 효과적(效果的)인 것으로 생각된다.
This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of planting date and planting density on yield and yield components of Fritillariae bulbus from 1989 to 1991. The Chungbuk local variety was used, and the experimental materials were planted six times with 10 days interval from Aug. 20 to Oct. 10. 33, 22, 17 and 13 bulbs were planted by the square meter, respectively. The compound fertilizer for garlic (N - P2O - K2O5=9 - 14 - 10) was applied by 80kgs to the 0.1ha before planting. The experimental design was randomized block design with 3 replications. As the planting dates were earlier, the emerging dates were earlier, too. But the delay of 50 days in the planting affected to the delay of 14 days in the emerging dates. The plant height was 22.7cms in the Aug. 20 plot. As the planting were later, the plant heights were shorter by 2.4~5.6cms than that. As compared with the 829kgs by the 0.1ha of Aug. 30 plot, the others recorded 1 percent increase in the Aug. 20 plot, 4 percent decrease in the Sep. 10 plot, 26 percent decrease in the Sep. 20 plot, 35 percent decrease in the Sep 30 plot, and 38 percent decrease in the Oct. 10 plot. So, the suitable planting dates were from Aug. 20 to Aug. 30.The emerging date of 33 bulb plot by the square meter was March 7, but as the planting densities were sparse, the emerging dates delayed by one to three days. The plant height of the 33 bulb plot by the square meter was 21. 8cms, but the other plots were short by 0.7~1.8cms. The number of shoots of the 33 bulb plot by the square meter was 6.1. but the other plots recorded 0.4 increase in the 22 bulb plot, 0.6 increase in the 17 bulb plot and 0.5 increase in the 13 bulb plot compared with that of the 33 bulb plot. Accordingly, the number of shoots in the sparse planting plot was more than that in the dense planting plot. As compared with the 854kgs by the 0.1ha of the 22 bulb plot, the other plots recored 2 percent increase in the 33 bulb plot, 16 percent decrease in the 17 bulb plot and 34 percent decrease in the 13 bulb plot. All things considered, for the culture of Fritillaria thungergii MIQUEL in the middle region, Aug. 25 and 22 bulbs by the square meter were suitable for the planting date and density.