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왕머루의 화형에 따른 화분특성 및 포도의 교배화합성 KCI 등재

Pollen Characteristics of Flower Type and Cross Compatibility with Table Grape in Vitis amurensis Rupr.

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/255068
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한국약용작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Medical Crop Science)
한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

본 연구는 강원도 일원에서 수집된 왕머루 (GW-22, GW-45, GW-56, GW-200, GW-202, GW-300)의 화형에 따른 화분 특성 및 포도와 교배친화성을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 각각의 꽃 구조와 화분발아능력, 화분 형태, 화분크기 및 포도와 교배화합성을 조사하였다. GW-22와 GW-56의 꽃은 암술이 퇴화하고, 5개의 수술대가 곧은 직선이었다. 이들 각각의 계통은 인공배지에서 화분발아율은 27.6~29.8%였다. GW-45, GW-200, GW-202, GW-300의 꽃은 잘 발달된 암술과 5개의 수술대가 바깥쪽으로 말린 형태였다. 이들 계통은 모두 인공배지에서 화분발아율은 0%였다. 이들 계통은 자가수분된 머루에서는 과립과 종자를 얻을 수 없었다. 머루간의 상호교배에서는 착과율이 14.1~45.4%였다. 따라서 왕머루의 꽃 형태는 Vitis종의 자웅이주식물이다. 암머루와 수머루의 교배시 정상적인 종자를 형성하였고, 포도와 수머루의 교배시 정상적인종자를 형성하였다. 그러나 암머루와 암머루의 교배시 종자를 형성하지 못하였다. 그러므로 머루는 포도와 상호교배친화성이 있으며, 왕머루계통은 포도속 식물의 육종연구에 기여할 것이다.

This study was conducted to identify cross compatibility with table grape and pollen characteristics by flower type in Vitis amurensis Rupr. (GW-22, GW-45, GW-56, GW-200, GW-202 and GW-300) collected in Gangwon area. Flower structure, germinability and morphology of pollen, and cross compatibility with table grape were examined. Flowers of GW-22 and GW-56 had an aborted gynoecium and five erect fdaments, and all of them was male. The percentage of pollen germination of GW-22 and GW-56 on the agar medium was 27.6-29.8%. Flowers of GW-45, GW-200, GW-202 and GW-300 had well-developed pistils and five stamens with curled filaments. The percentage of pollen germination of female plant on the agar medium was 0%. Pollen grail)s from GW-22 and GW-56 (male flower) have symmetrically distributed three furrows on their surface and each furrow contains a germ pore at the equatorial level (Tricolporated). GW-45, GW-200, GW202, and GW-300 (Female flower) produced pollen grains with no germinative structures (acolporated). In self-pollina-tion of female flowers, berries of clusters were no berry and no seed. Therefore, flower structure in V. amurensis proved to be that of other dioecious Vitis species. In cross combination of female and male flower of V. amurensis made normal seeds. In cross combination of table grape and V. amurensis of male flower made normal seeds. But, in cross combination of female flower of V. amurensis did not make seeds. Therefore, V. amurensis was cross compatible with vitis spp, and V. amurensis varieties may contribute to breeding studies of Vitis spp.

  • 박영식 | Park, Young-Sik
  • 김인종 | Kim, In-Jong
  • 정병찬 | Jeong, Byeong-Chan
  • 허재윤 | Heo, Jae-Yoon
  • 박성민 | Park, Sung-Min