朴.李등 (1972)이 축양 시험을 할 때에는 축양조 이외에 소형의 예인조를 따로 썼으나, 예인조에서 축양조로 이송이 번거로우므로 업계에서는 축양조를 바로 예인하는 방법이 쓰이고 있다. 그러나, 축양조를 바로 예인하면 앞면의 망지가 뒤로 밀려서 축양조 내부의 용적이 작아지고, 또 예인중 축양조의 속도가 갑자기 느려지면 멸치는 유영 관성으로 말미암아 뒤로 밀린 망지 위로 올라가서, 비늘이 벗겨져서 폐사율이 높아진다. 이를 개량하기 위해 먼저 $\frac{1}{15}$크기의 모형 축양조를 만들어서, 회류수조에서 4가지 방식으로 예인시험을 실시하고, 그 중 합리적이라고 생각되는 2가지 방식을 다시 해상에서 실물시험을 실시하여, 실용상의 문제점을 규명함과 동시에, 축양조의 예인속도는 빠르게 하면서도 축양조 내부의 유속을 느리게 하는 방법도 고안했다
At the holding of live anchovies which will be used as bait for the skipjack fishing, it is necessary to transrer the holding creel to the holding ground from the long distanted fishing ground. Usually, the creel made with net webbing and shaped like pound, was towed with a tow rope fastened to the front fringe or it, when two serious problems were found. The one was that the leading flap or the webbing of creel was drifted backward by the drag and caused to decrease the volume of the creel and made anchovies mortal. The other was that much time were spent to tow creels for long distance with slow speed, whereas to tow fast made anchovies worn out and caused them mortal. To prevent these defect, the authors carried out a model experiment in a circular flowing tank with a 1/15 scale model creel by four different arrangement of towing, and found out two suitable method, then these two methods were experimented in the sea with full rigged creel, and found the most suitable method out. To decrease the interior current speed of the creel even if it was towed fast, the apron which made by the same webbing of the creel body was enclosed the leading flap of creel, when the interior current speed showed the 35 to 40 percent of towing speed, whereas it showed 50 to 55 percent without apron.