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해초지에서 서식하는 점줄망둑(Acentrogobius pellidebilis)의 먹이습성 KCI 등재

Feeding habits of Acentrogobius pellidebilis in an eelgrass(Zostera marina) bed

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/256688
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수산해양기술연구 (Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology)
한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) (The Korean Society of Fisheriers and Ocean Technology)

Feeding habits of Acentrogobius pellidebilis collected from in an eelgrass(Zostera marina) bed from January to December 2006 were studied. A. pellidebilis ranged form 1.6 to 6.9 cm in standard length were determined. A. pellidebilis was a carnivore which consumed mainly copepods, polychaetes, and amphipods. Its diets included small quantities of isopods, seaweeds, nematods, and gastropods. It showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Smaller individuals (<2.0cm SL) fed mainly on copepods. While the consumption of copepods decreased with increasing fish size, the consumption of polychaetes and amphipods were increased. Dietary breadth index was varied with fish size.

  • 곽석남 | Kwak, Seok-Nam
  • 허성회 | Huh, Sung-Hoi
  • 김하원 | Kim, Ha-Won