보온 피복재 종류가 자옥 포도 유목의 월동시 동해방지, 노동력 절감 및 병해 발생 억제에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 11월 하순에 짚을 덮은 다음 보온덮개B, 킬딩, 칼라부직A 및 백색니들펀칭부직포 등을 피복하여 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 보온력은 백색니들펀칭부직포가 가장 불량하였고, 다른 보온재간에는 차이가 미미하였다. 2. 발아는 보온덮개B에서 빨리 시작되었으며, 발아 9일 후에도 발아율이 79.7%로 타 보온재 보다 2.3∼12.5% 높았다. 3. 생육은 보온재간에 차이가 없었으며, 병해 발생은 킬딩과 보온덮개B에서 뿌리혹병이 지수 3.0∼3.2로 다소 많이 발생되었을 뿐 기타 병해는 처리간에 차이가 없거나 미미 하였다. 4. 작업 단계별 소요노력은 보온덮개B에 비하여 킬딩은 6% 많았으나, 칼라부직A는 6%, 백색니들펀칭 부직포는 15%적었다.
The effect of heat covering materials during cultivation of Shigyoku grape was examined on the effect of protection from freezing damage, labor reduction, and disease resistance during the wintering. This experimentwas accomplished using different combination of heat covering materials from the end of Nov as follows: straw and heat conservation cover B, kilding, color fabric A, and white needle punching fabric. Capacity of heat conservation was the least form white needle punching fabric, and the differences of other materials was slight. Early sprouting occurred by the treatment with heat conservation cover B, and the rate of sprouting was about 70.7% after 9 days of sprouting, showing 2.3-12.5% increase. Growth effect was not differ between heat conservation materials. Disease and insects occurred by the in dice 3.0-3.2 of crown gall from the heat conservation cover B treatment. Other damages were not observed or very little from other treatments. Demand of labor during steps of these treatments was more observed by 6% for kilding than heat conservation cover B, and those of color fabric A and white needle punching fabric were reduced by 6 and 15%, respectively.