
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 147

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research investigated the effects of the plant growth regulators (PGRs) on fruit characteristics and storability of ‘Shine Muscat’ grapes. The objective was to identify effective PGR treatment methods for high-quality production and efficient storage. The characteristics of ‘Shine Muscat’ fruits were more affected by the secondary treatment applied 14 days after full bloom than by the primary treatment applied at full bloom. The fruits treated with thidiazuron (TDZ) in the secondary treatment showed higher weight. However, the forchlorfenuron (CPPU) treated fruits exhibited lower acidity and higher soluble solids content, which led to a higher sugar-to-acid ratio. Additionally, it had higher firmness, contributing to a good texture and a brighter yellow-green skin color, thus indicating better quality. The storage period for ‘Shine Muscat’ varies depending on the storage method: up to 60 days in cold storage and up to 110 days in Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage. Like other kinds of fruits, CA storage was more effective for long-term storage. Furthermore, considering that the quality characteristics manifested during the prestorage PGR treatment were maintained during CA storage, secondary treatment with CPPU was deemed effective for optimal quality and storage.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2022년 캠벨얼리 재배면적은 4,397ha(32.7%)으로 샤인머스켓에 이어 두 번째로 많이 재배하는 품종이다. 또한 충랑은 2018년에 품종등록된 3배체(캠벨얼리×고처) 포도로 신품종 연구가 필요한 품종이다. 연무늬들명나방 (Syllepte pallidinotalis)은 캠벨얼리와 신품종 충랑에서 잎의 가장자리를 말고 그 속에서 잎을 갉아먹는 해충으로 잎에 피해가 관찰되었다. 연중 포도원에서 연무늬들명나방의 밀도는 7월 중순과 9월 하순에 2번의 peak를 보였 다. 알에서 부화한 유충이 2령이 되면 잎을 말고 안에 숨기 때문에 잎을 말은 이후 약제 살포시 잎 안에 잘 뭏지 않아 방제가가 떨어졌다. 특히 생물농약인 비티제를 이용해 방제를 할 경우 잎을 말기 직전인 6월 중순에 살포 했을 때 93.5%의 방제가를 보였으나, 5월 하순이나 7월 초순 방제할 경우 73.9, 43.6%로 낮은 방제가를 보였다. 따라서 잎을 말기 직전인 6월 중순, 8월 하순에 방제를 하는 것이 효율적임을 알 수 있었다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Drosophila suzukii (Diptera, Drosophilidae) can damage thin-skinned fruits (plums, cherries, peaches, blueberries, and strawberries) by laying eggs inside the fruit. In this study, a basic experiment was conducted to investigate the preference of D. suzukii to export table grape varieties. Four varieties of grapes (Kyoho grape, Shine muscat, Campbell grape, and Black sapphire) were placed in a cage containing more than 2,500 number of D. suzukii adults for 6, 8, 10, 12, and 24 hours and the egg-laying in grape has been induced. After 2 weeks, the number of pupae that emerged was counted. As a result, the largest number of pupae was generated in Kyoho grape among the four types of grapes, indicating that D. suzukii prefers to lay egg in Kyoho grape. Through this experiment, it was determined that 6 h was the appropriate inoculation time, and then an inoculation experiment was conducted on Kyoho grape. The total weight of the Kyoho grape used in the experiment was 36.119 kg, and a total of 2594 pupae were generated. The average number of D. suzukii per cluster was about 50. All stages of D. suzukii treated with low temperature(1℃) for 10 days were completely controlled.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study measured coffee’s quality and antioxidant properties by adding sweet sapphire grapes with different extraction conditions to develop materials for a new, healthy, functional coffee menu. As for pH, the control group showed a higher value than the sample group, and ES-SP was the highest at 11.47±0.06oBrix in the soluble solid content. As for organic acids, ES-SP showed the highest values in shikimic acid, formic acid, and acetic acid. In glucose and fructose, ES-SP showed high contents of 19236.80 mg/ml and 24578.21 mg/ml among sample groups. Trigonelin and chlorogenic acid showed the highest values of ES-SP at 1349.44±0.50 mg/mL and 1132.58±0.51 mg/mL. In caffeine, the control group and ES-SP showed high content. In DPPH, all sample groups showed higher values than the control group. The total phenol content was the highest in the control and ES-SP groups. As a result of the above espresso extraction conditions, coffee has high organic acid, free sugar, trigonelin, chlorogenic acid, antioxidant, and total polyphenol content, providing suitable manufacturing method for developing coffee menus using sweet sapphire.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of Cheongsoo wine using freeze concentration fermented with 5 kinds of yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae EJ18, EJ30, HK22, HK32 and Fermivin). We compared the characteristics, volatile flavor component and physiological activity of 5 wines. The freeze concentration can increase the sugar concentration in grape juice by reducing its water content and the alcohol content of freeze-cententrated Cheongsoo wines ranged between 15.0~15.8%. The pH of wines ranged from 2.92 to 2.94 and the total acidity and soluble solid of wines ranged from 12.40~13.27. °Brix. The major organic acid in the wines was tartaric acid (4.49~5.11 mg/mL) and malic acid (7.00~7.97 mg/mL). It contains higher functional compounds in wine fermented with yeast (EJ18, EJ30, HK22, HK32) than wine fermented with fermivin. α-glucosidase and tyrosinase inhibitory activity had the highest values (78.87% and 62.25%) in wine fermented with HK22 and EJ18 yeast, respectively. 16 volatile flavor compounds (alcohols, esters, ketones, acids, and others) were detected in the Cheongsoo wines by freeze concentration. These results provide useful information that the quality characteristics of wine developed by the freeze-concentration method using grapes cultivated in Korea.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the quality characteristics of jelly prepared with green grape juice (GJ). The pH, oBrix value, color, texture, and sensory evaluation of the jelly were measured. The pH of the jelly significantly decreased with increasing amount of GJ over the range of 3.25-5.27. The oBrix value of the jelly showed a significantly higher result as the amount of GJ increased (p<0.001). Lightness (L) and redness (a) decreased with increasing amount of GJ, and yellowness (b) increased. In the texture measurement, the GJ-100 sample group with a high substitute rate of GJ showed high hardness, gumminess, and chewiness (p<0.001). The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the sample groups with high GJ content were classified as having relatively strong yellowness, sweet aroma, metallic aroma, grassy aroma, sweetness, sourness, green grape skin taste, and astringency. In the acceptance test, the GJ-50 sample group was evaluated to be high in flavor (p<0.001) and overall acceptance (p<0.01). However, sample groups consisting of 50% or more GJ were evaluated to be significantly strong in terms of astringency. Therefore, further study needs to be conducted about improving astringency in the future.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper provides data for product development and improvement of grape varieties by analyzing the satisfactionimportance of the grape selection attributes from a consumer's perspective. A survey was conducted on consumers aged 19- 59 living in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon on their fruit consumption level, preferences according to the grape quality characteristics, importance, and satisfaction with the grape selection attributes. Three hundred and eighty two valid samples were collected and analyzed statistically using SPSS 23. In the preference according to the grape quality characteristics, consumers tended to prefer a sweet taste, black color, and seedless grapes. Regarding the importance of the grape selection attributes according to the level of grape consumption, the high consumption group considers texture, size, shape, color, ease of removing seeds, country of origin, area of production, certification, and brand to be more important. In satisfaction, the high consumption group rated satisfaction highly in texture, odor, size, shape, color, ease of removing peelings, ease of removing seeds, price, country of origin, area of production, certification, and brand. An analysis of the IPA of the grape selection attributes showed that improvement of price and shape attributes will be prioritized, and the development and management of properties, such as seeds, peelings, certification, and brand will be required. These results can be used to help improve the grape varieties and develop products that meet the consumer needs, secure the competitiveness of grape farmers, and revitalize the local economy.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The multi-layer insulating curtains used in the experiment was produced in six combinations using non-woven fabric containing aerogel and compared and analyzed by measuring heat flux and heat perfusion rates due to weight, thickness and temperature changes. Using silica aerogel, which have recently been noted as new material insulation, this study tries to produce a new combination of multi-layer insulating curtains that can complement the shortcomings of the multi-layer insulating curtains currently in use and maintain and improve its warmth, and analyze the thermal properties. The heat flux means the amount of heat passing per unit time per unit area, and the higher the value, the more heat passing through the multi-layer insulating curtain, and it can be judged that the heat retention is low. The weight and thickness of multi-layer insulation curtains were found to be highly correlated with thermal insulation. In particular, insulation curtains combined with aerogel meltblown non-woven fabric had relatively higher thermal insulation than insulation curtains with the same number of insulation materials. However, the aerogel meltblown non-woven fabric is weak in light resistance and durability, and there is a problem that the production process and aerogel are scattering. In order to solve this problems, the combination of expanded aerogel non-woven fabric and hollow fiber non-woven fabric, which are relatively simple manufacturing processes and excellent warmth, are suitable for use in real farms.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We analyzed the anthocyanin accumulation, abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellic acid (GA) contents and metabolic genes expression in berry skins under high temperature (High T) at veraison, in order to investigate the cause of bad coloration of 'Kyoho' grape due to High T in summer season. The coloration of ‘Kyoho’ grapes was stopped by High T for 10 days from veraison, and the fruit quality was not affected except skin color. Total anthocyanin of skins was decreased by High T treatment and malvidin and peonidin were decreased compared to control. In berry skins, ABA content did not decrease by High T treatment, but it was rather higher than that of control. GA content was increased about two times compared to the control after 10 days of High T treatment, which caused decreased ratio of ABA/GA. Analysis of expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes showed that the early biosynthetic genes were not affected by High T and the expression of UFGT was decreased by temperature treatment. ABA biosynthetic gene expressions were not affected by High T and the expression of GA20ox1 and GA2ox1/2, which are known to regulate the biosynthesis and inactivation of GA, were increased and decreased by High T, respectively. Therefore, the bad coloration of ‘Kyoho’ grapes under the High T at veraison was due to inhibition of anthocyanin biosynthesis of skin, and it was suggested that the anthocyanin biosynthesis was controlled by the ratio of ABA and GA rather than ABA content.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        포도 재배면적과 생산량이 줄고 있는 상황에서도, 재배농가의 끊임없는 노력과 농촌진흥기관의 기술개발을 통해서 한국산 샤인머스캣이 현재 국내 소비자는 물론 해외 소비자들에게 인기를 얻고 있으며, 이에 따라 타 품종에 비해 재배면적과 생산량이 증가하고 있다. 따라서 새로운 수요처 발굴과 수출증대를 통해서 포도 산업의 지속성을 유지하는 것이 무엇보다도 필요한 때이다. 본 연구에서는 중국 소비자들에게 한국산 샤인머스캣을 구매하는데 영향을 주는 요인들(사전, 사후)이 어떻게 평가되고 있는지, 향후 구매로 이어질 수 있는지 여부를 실증적으로 규명하고자, 부분최소자승-구조방정식 모형을 사용해서 2017년 10월 중국 광저우에서 개최된 국제중소기업박랍회 행사장에서 시식과 설문조사를 통해 수집한 유의한 102명의 응답자료를 이용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과, 사전요인(외관, 착색, 신선도, 알 크기) 보다 사후 요인(당도, 식감)이 좋은 평가를 받고 향후 구매로 이어지는데 통계적으로 유의하며 큰 역할을 함을 보였으며 이에 따른 품질관리의 방향성에 대한 시사점을 제공하였다. 다만, 자료의 보완을 통해서 관찰되지 않는 설문응답자 내의 집단을 보다 면밀히 분석해야 할 필요가 있다. 따라서 집단의 특성과 수요에 보다 맞는 맞춤형 품질관리와 수출방안이 뒤따라야 함을 한계로 남긴다. 또한, 조사대상자의 인구통계 특성과 중국 전체 모집단과 차이가 있으므로 분석결과를 해석에 유의할 필요가 있다. 포도수출 확대노력은 포도 생산농가의 소득향상과 경영안정성을 높이고, 국내 포도산업에 활력을 줄 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 또한 신품종에 대한 안정적 생산·수확후 관리기술 개발 및 농가 기술보급, 수출조직 육성이 병행되어야 할 것이다. 또한 일본이 개발한 샤인머스캣 재배에서 더 나아가 소비트렌드에 부합하는 국내품종을 중장기적으로 육성할 필요가 있다. 또한 수출성공을 위해서는 국내 업체간 과당경쟁, 저가경쟁 등을 예방하고, 의견을 조율할 협의체 구성과 함께 한국산 포도라는 점을 내세워 프리미엄 제품을 생산해 중산층 이상의 중국시장 진출을 모색할 필요가 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2018.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        여름철 고온으로 인해 ‘거봉’ 포도의 착색 불량이 나타나는 원인을 안토시아닌 조성의 변화로부터 구명하기 위해 본 실험을 수행하였으며, 같은 대립계 포도 품종인 ‘흑보석’의 과실 품질과 안토시아닌의 변화를 함께 비교 하였다. 착색 초기부터 30일 동안의 고온 처리에 의해 ‘거봉’과 ‘흑보석’ 모두에서 과피의 착색이 감소하였지만, ‘흑보석’은 온도 처리의 종료 이후 안토시아닌 함량이 대조구의 수준으로 증가하였고, ‘거봉’은 착색이 정지된 상태로 안토시아닌 함량이 증가하지 못했다. 고온에 의해 ‘거봉’의 안토시아니딘은 Mal, Del, Pet의 순으로 크게 감소하였으며, 개별 성분으로는 diglucoside 및 Mal-acylated 형태가 가장 크게 감소하였다. 안토시아닌의 형태별 함량을 비교한 결과, ‘거봉’ 과피에서 고온에 의해 acylated 형태가 non-acylated 형태에 비해서 더 크게 감소하였고, B ring의 tri-hydroxylated 형태가 di-hydroxylated 형태보다 더 큰 비율로 감소하였다. ‘거봉’에서 모든 그룹의 안토시아닌 함량이 총 안토시아닌과 비슷한 경향으로 감소하였고, ‘흑보석’에서는 모든 그룹의 합성이 고온에 의해 억제되었다가 온도 처리가 종료된 이후 대조구의 수준으로 회복되었다. 따라서 착색 초기의 고온에 의한 ‘거봉’의 착색 불량은 특정 안토시아닌의 감소에 의한 것이 아니라, 전체적인 안토시아닌의 생합성 자체가 고온에 의해 억제되었기 때문으로 판단되었다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of cold storage temperature and exposure duration on immature stages of spotted-wing drosophila (SWD) Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on ‘Campbell Early’ grapes were examined to establish a phytosanitary control method. The immature stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) of SWD were all dead after a 6-day cold treatment at 1°C and 8-day cold treatment at 1.5 and 2°C. Small-scale tests using pupae, which were the most-cold tolerant stage, confirmed the validity of the selected temperature and exposure durations. Conversely, the 8- and 10-day at 1°C treatments showed 100% mortality, suggesting that these treatments can guarantee quarantine security against infestations of SWD on exported ‘Campbell Early’ grapes.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내에서 육성된 신품종 ‘진옥’ 포도와 대조품종인 ‘캠벨얼리’를 대상으로 재배작형을 노지, 비가림, 무가온 하우스로 나누어 수체생육 및 과실품질을 조사하였다. 수체생육을 보면 ‘진옥’이 ‘캠벨얼리’ 보다 주요 생육기가 빠른 경향이었고, 수확기는 무가온 하우스 재배의 ‘진옥’ 품종이 8월 13일로 가장 빨랐으며, ‘ 캠벨얼리’ 품종은 8월 17일이었다. 노지 재배유형에서는 ‘진옥’ 품종이 8월 25일, ‘캠벨얼리’ 품종이 8월 29 일로 가장 늦었다. 신초경, 신초장 등 신초생육은 처리 간 비슷한 경향이었다. 과실특성을 조사한 결과, 가용성 고형물 함량은 무가온 하우스 재배 시 ‘진옥’과 ‘캠벨얼리’ 품종에서 각각 15.4oBrix, 15.9oBrix로 비슷한 경향이었고, 노지 재배에서는 각각 15.9oBrix, 15.8oBrix였으며, 과실의 산함량과 과피의 색도도 비슷한 경향이었다. 병해충 발생은 6월 중순부터 갈색무늬병이 발생하기 시작하였고, 생육후기인 8월 상순에 조사한 갈색무늬병 피해엽률은 무가온하우스 재배의 ‘진옥’ 품종이 14%로 가장 낮았으며, 노지재배의 경우 ‘진옥’ 품종이 46%, ‘ 캠벨얼리’ 품종이 49%로 노지재배 유형에서 갈색무늬 병의 발생이 많아 생육후기 집중적인 방제가 필요한 것 으로 판단되었다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was accomplished to investigate the effects of the night temperatures on the dark respiration and fruit quality of ‘Heukgoosul’ grape at ripening time. The weight of cluster and berry increased significantly at 20oC than 30oC in night temperature. The length and diameter of berry harvested from the 20oC and 25°C treatments also increased significantly. But there were no differences in the cluster length and diameter as well as the number of berries per cluster. When the amount of CO2 uptake was examined, the dark respiration decreased at 20°C in comparison with 30°C. On the other hand, the anthocyanin content of fruits harvested from the 20°C treatment was higher 38.8 μg·cm-2 than that of 30°C 27.7 μg·cm-2. Hunter’s value such as L(brightness), a(red chromaticity) and b(yellow chromaticity) showed the significance between 20°C and 30°C treatments. Soluble solid content and acidity of berry fruits harvested from the 20°C treatment increased respectively by 3.4 °Brix and 1.6 times. With consideration of the main characteristics of fruit harvested at 30°C, the sugar-acid ratio 72.6% was lowered and the color chart showed the low value 7.1, therefore, the overall fruit quality was deteriorated. When the production yield rates of first harvest 23.6% and second harvest 44.7% were compared, the 20°C treatment could move up the harvest time earlier.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study was carried out to know the occurrence of the chilli trips of two varieties from three grape farm in Kyeongsangbukdo province, Korea. During the grape fruiting season, this work surveyed at intervals of about fifteen days from Jun to September, 2015 by using the yellow sticky trap. The peak occurrence time of chilli thrip at Hwaseo-myeon was in September and was August at Modong-myeon. The Gyeongsan site was almost more three times high occurrence density than that of Hwaseo-myeon and Modong-myeon of Sangju area. According to the variety and locality, occurrence time and density were different hightly.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated grape powder substituted for wheat flour in muffin recipes with the amounts of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%. Grape powder consisted of 6.76% of moisture content, 4.63% of crude protein, 4.82% of crude fat and 4.16% of crude ash. DPPH radical scavenging activity is 68.79%, total phenol content is 205.79. Specific loaf volume have decreased as the grape powder content increased. Baking loss have increased as the grape powder content increased. Moisture and brix have increased as the grape powder content increased. pH have increased as the grape powder content decreased. Chromaticity measurement result showed that the ‘L’ and ‘b’ value of muffins decreased as grape powder content increased, whereas ‘a’ value increased. The texture measurement result showed that the hardness, gumminess and chewiness of muffins increased as the grape powder content increased, whereas springiness decreased. Cohesiveness did not show any considerable differences between muffins. Overall preference scores showed high overall acceptability for the muffins made with 10% grape powder
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Effects of dielectric barrier discharge atmospheric cold plasma (DACP) treatment on the inhibition of Salmonella and the storability of grape tomato were investigated. Grape tomatoes, with or without inoculation with a cocktail of three strains of Salmonella (~8 log CFU/g tomato), were packaged in a polyethylene terephthalate commercial clamshell container and cold plasma-treated at 35 kVat 1.1 kHz for 3 min using an DACP treatment system equipped with a pin-type high-voltage electrode. DACP treatment resulted in ~1 log CFU/tomato reduction of Salmonella, irrespectively of the size of container (316, 595vs. 758 cm3), the number of grape tomatoes in the container (3, 7, vs. 11), and the position of the tomato in the container(P > 0.05).Rolling integrated during treatment significantly increased the Salmonella reduction rates to 3.1±0.3 and 3.3±0.8 log CFU/tomato in the single-layer and double-layer configurations of the tomato samples in the container (992 cm3), respectively. Rolling-adopted DACP initially reduced the number of total mesophilic aerobes and yeast and molds in the double layer configuration of tomato samples by 1.3±0.3 and 1.5±0.2 log CFU/tomato, respectively, without altering the color and firmness of the tomatoes. The growth of Salmonella, total aerobes, and yeast and molds on DACP-treated grape tomatoes was effectively prevented during storage at 10 °C. DACP treatment did not influence the tomato color index (a*/b*), firmness, weight loss, pH, total soluble solid content, and lycopene concentration of grape tomatoes at 10 and 25 °C (P> 0.05). DACP treatment holds promise as a post-packaging process for improving microbial safety against Salmonella and storability of fresh grape tomatoes.
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