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공덕산(경북 문경) 관속식물의 분포 KCI 등재

Distribution of Vascular Plants in Gongdeoksan (Mungyeong, Gyeongbuk)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/258861
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한국자원식물학회지 (Korean journal of plant resources)
한국자원식물학회 (The Plant Resources Society Of Korea)

본 연구는 경북 문경시 공덕산(해발 913m, 북위 36˚ 46' 37.5''~36˚ 43' 61.0'', 동경 128˚ 15' 00.3''~128˚ 17' 57.9'')의 관속식물 분포와 유용성을 파악하기 위하여 수행되었다. 2007년 5월부터 2007년 9월까지 총 5회에 걸쳐 채집된 관속식물은 총 86과 279속 374종 4아종 44변종 7품종의 총 429종류로 정리되었으며, 이들을 유용성에 따라 구분하면 식용 233종류, 약용 297종류, 공업용 113종류, 관상용 111종류, 용도가 밝혀지지 않은 식물 43종이었다. 특기할 만한 식물로는 한국특산식물이 5종류, 환경부지정 법적 보호식물이 1종류, 식물구계학적 특정식물이 III등급 5종류, IV등급 1종류, V등급 1종류, 귀화식물이 15종류로서 귀화율은 3.5%, 도시화지수는 5.5%로 나타났다.

This study was carried out to clarify the distribution of vascular plants and their usefulness in Gongdeoksan of Mungyeong, Gyeongbuk (913m, N 36˚ 46' 37.5''~36˚ 43' 61.0'', E128˚ 15' 00.3''~128˚ 17' 57.9''). The vascular plants collected 5 times (from May to September 2007) were consisted of total 429 taxa; 86 famailies, 279 genera, 374 species, 4 subspecies, 44 varieties and 7 forms. Among them, edible, medicinal, industrial, ornamental and usefulness unknown plants were 233 taxa, 297 taxa, 113 taxa, 111 taxa, 43 taxa, respectively. Korean endemic plants of this area were 5 taxa, and Law-protected plants by Ministry of Environment were 1 taxa, and the special plants species based on floral region by Ministry of Environment were 5 taxa in grade III category, 1 taxa in grade IV and grade V category. The naturalized plants were 15 taxa, therefore naturalized ratio was 3.5%, and urban index 5.5%.

  • 정규영 | Jeong, G.Y.
  • 박명순 | Park, M.S.
  • 정수영 | Jeong, S.Y.
  • 이선희 | Lee, S.H.
  • 최하나 | Choi, H.N.
  • 남보미 | Nam, B.M.
  • 이유미 | Lee, Y.M.
  • 최혁재 | Choi, H.J.