The management of household hazardous waste (HHW), a component of municipal solid waste (MSW) has become a major of concern partly due to their potential toxicity upon disposal. Improper management of such waste can deteriorate the environment and cause serious damage to the human health. This paper discusses the current fundamental management practices, which include the generation rate, collection systems and treatment using the survey reviews of households and interviews held with experts in the Daejeon metropolitan city. Surveys of more than 378 people in Daejeon Metropolitan City were conducted to investigate the characteristics, generation rate, social behavior and awareness regarding disposal of HHW. The target items used in this study includes used lamps, used batteries, pharmaceuticals, and household pesticide chemicals. According to the survey conducted, the generation rates of HHW varied depending upon the dwelling type, collection system, and waste type. Apartment complex residents participated actively in source separation, using the established collection system with limited items (e.g., fluorescent lamps and batteries), while single family housing residents tend to store HHW at households. There is still a need for public awareness, detailed policies and legislation requiring source segregation at households, and better collection systems for HHW. The results of this study can be used for developing better management of HHW in municipal solid waste streams to prevent potential environmental impacts and human health risks.