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Semantic Items Being Corrected of Five the Chinese Characters --Comparing WuhouqingZihai with HanyuDazidian

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279376
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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

By contrasting the two representative dictionary from ancient to modern of WuhouqingZihai(《五侯鯖字海》)with HanyuDazidian (《漢語大字典》),we come to conclusion:“ying(孾)”,girl, this is to retain the“ying(孾)” original meaning;“ying(孾)”,“baby”, this is the uprising of the“ying(孾)”.“Pā(􀁪)”, the voice of stone cracking;“bā(玐)”, the voice of Jade;the two are not variantions, but the voice of the two are similar , so can pass.“Miào(􀁫)”, meaning “the name of the drug”,“yào(藥)”had false from “lè(樂)”in the process of copying.“Suǒ( )”, meaning“zhī(只)”,“zhī(只)” had false from “bèi(貝)”in the process of copying;“suǒ(瑣)”is the new words from “suǒ( )”.“Yú(臾)”is original meaning of the justice for catch hair bundle while dragging, and pictographic characters, “kuì(㬰)”is original meaning of the lifting apparatus, and the pictographic character;“kuì(㬰)”and“kuì(蕢)” are variantions. “réng(礽)” is divide variant of“réng(仍)”. “Zhī(祗)”and“zhī(􀁭)”,the samesound and meaning, the radicalchoice ofthe

將古今兩部有代表性的字書《五侯鯖字海》與《漢語大字典》義項比照, 可以得知:“孾”,女孩也,這是保留了“孾”的本義;“孾”,同“嬰”,孩也,這是“孾”後起義。“􀁪”,石破聲;“玐”,玉聲;二者不是異體關係,但二者音近,可以通假。“􀁫”,義項“藥名”中的“藥”應是“樂”傳抄之訛。“ ”,義項“只也”中的“只”應是“貝”之訛;“瑣”為“ ”的後起字。“臾”的造義為捆綁時抓住頭髮拖拉、會意字,“㬰”的造義為一帶著提梁的器具、象形字;“蕢”為“㬰”的異體。“礽”應是“仍”的分化異體字。“􀁭” 與“祗”音義相同,為同一種構形方式而選用的偏旁不同產生的異構字。

  • 張道升(合肥師範學院中文系,合肥 230601;電子郵箱) | ZHANG Dao~sheng