Combat vehicles were developed in two types depending on the purpose of operation. The body of the vehicle is relatively large welded structure, and there is a quality problem in that welding deformation occurs in a certain area. Welding deformation is a problem that is inevitably generated during the welding process, and additional corrective work is performed. However, due to the structural characteristics of the welded structure of combat vehicl, there are many limitations in the correction method, which lowered the productivity. To improve this problem, we intend to establish improvement measures through analysis of the areas where welding deformation occurs and apply corrective measures suitable for welding structures of combat vehicles. For the design improvement plans, the finite element analysis were used and the correction method were applied to simulated structure to confirm the possibility. Finally, the improvement effect was confirmed by manufacturing the actual welded structure. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that the productivity of related similar welding structures as well as structures of wheeled armored vehicles, can be improved.
본 연구는 특허무효심결취소 소송에 대한 정정심판 청구 시 정정 기회에 대한 고찰을 목적으로 한다. 등록된 특허에 대하여 어떤 이해관계인이 등록된 특허를 무효 시키기 위해 특허심판원에 특허무효심판을 청구하였는데 패소하였고, 이후 청구인은 심결취소 소송을 특허법원에 제기하면서 새로운 증거를 제출하였다. 이에 대응하여 특허권자는 특허심판원에 정정심판을 청구하였고, 특허법원에서는 청구인의 새로운 증거를 인용하여 심판원으로 취소환송 하였다. 이 경우 특허심판원에서는 특허권자의 정정심판을 특허무효심판에 우선하여 심리ᆞ판단하는 것이 바람직하나 정정심판을 기다리지 아니하고 특허권자에게 정정의 기회도 부여하지 아니하고 특허무효심판을 진행하고 있어 현행 특허법상 특허권자가 대응할 수 있는 정정 청구의 기회는 거의 없다. 위와 같이 특허권자에 대해 이러한 정정기회 미 부여에 따른 불공정한 입장을 해결하기 위하여 특허무효 심결에 대한 취소소송이 특허법원에 계속 중인 경우, 독립하여 특허권자가 정정심판을 특허심판원에 청구한 때에는 당해 특허무효심판 건을 다시 심판원에서 재심리하게 하는 것이 상당하다고 인정 되는 경우는 해당 심결을 심판관에게 취소 환송하기 위해 결정으로 심결을 취소하여야 할 것이다. 이후 취소결정이 확정되어 특허심판원에서 다시 심리개시를 한 경우 특허권자에게 정정청구의 기회를 의무적으로 제공하고 이에 따라 정정청구가 이루어진 경우에는 기존의 정정심판 청구는 취하된 것으로 보아야 할 것이다. 이렇게 법제도가 개선되면 특허권자나 심결취소 소송청구인에게도 시간과 노력을 절감할 수 있는 방안이기 때문에, 본 연구는 이러한 연구 내용을 바탕으로 우리 특허법의 개정의 필요성과 개정안을 제시 한다.
2016년에 1종이 추가로 보고되어, 현재 한국 연안에는 총 4종의 바다뱀이 분포하고 있다. 기후변화 등으로 한국 연안에 바다뱀의 년 중 서식 가능성이 높아지고 있으나 인적, 물적 한계로 인하여 관련연구가 미비한 상태이다. 국내 연안 내 바다뱀 분포에 대한 정보 및 샘플을 시민의 활동을 통해 확보하기 위하여 한반도의 해안지역과 제주도에 제보를 권하는 바다뱀 포스터와 현수막을 게시하고 제보를 접수하였다. 연구수행결과 2013년 3월부터 2016년 12월 사이 45건의 신뢰성 있는 제보가 접수되었다. 바다뱀 제보는 18건으로 주로 제주도와 남해안에서 접수되었으며, 시기적 으로는 8-11월 사이가 많았다. 총 3종 18건의 바다뱀 분포정보와 2종 13개체의 포획이 가능하였다. 바다뱀의 오제보는 27건이었는데, 육지뱀이 7건, 어류가 18건, 무척추동물과 사물이 각 1건이었다. 자료를 바탕으로 시민을 활용한 효율적 바다뱀 조사방법에 대한 제언을 하였다.
This study investigated the effects of dual coding elucidation on raising learners’ awareness of L2 lexical errors and correct usage. Participants included 135 Korean EFL middle school students assigned to either a single-coding or dual-coding group. The single-coding group studied the incorrect and correct usage of target lexical items under a verbal-code-only condition. The dual-coding group studied the incorrect and correct usage under a verbal-plus-visual-code condition. Participants completed posttests at two intervals: immediately after studying the materials and four weeks later. Analyses revealed that dual coding elucidation had significant positive effects on facilitating learners’ awareness of lexical errors and correct usage; these effects remained over time. The results also indicated no significant correlations between learning style and the effectiveness of visuals. Qualitative data demonstrated that students perceived visuals as being helpful in improving accurate lexical use and their engagement in learning vocabulary. The article concludes by discussing the facilitative role of visual encoding in L2 lexical knowledge development, thus expanding on the dual coding theory.
Zhouyizhengyi, the edition of Shisanjingzhushu, provides much convenience for studying Zhouyi, and will help the popularization of Zhouyi. But the edition still has many problems on character and pause. On the base of several times reading and pausing on Zhouyizhengyi, the article has identified and corrected 16 characters and 54 pauses in Zhouyizhengyi.
Dynamic application lower mode response is of interest, however the higher modes of spatially discretized equations generally do not represent the real behavior. Some implicit algorithms, therefore, are introduced to filter out the high-frequency modes. The objective of this study is to introduce the P-method and PC α-method to compare that with dissipation method and Newmark method through the stability analysis and numerical example. PC α-method gives more accuracy than other methods because it based on the α-method inherits the superior properties of the implicit α -method. In finite element analysis, the PC α-method is more useful than other methods because it is the explicit scheme and it achieve the second order accuracy and numerical damping simultaneously.
This paper deals with the construction of system for correct location determination of fixed tag. We adapted to construct the above method. Also we adapted the several filtering method. This system was constructed through using of several filtering methods to decrease the location determination error and fingerprint method which is composed of training phase and positioning phase. We constructed this system using Labview 2010 and MS-SQL 2000 as database. This system results in less location determination error than least square method, triangulation positioning method, and other fingerprint methods.
The purpose of this study was to assess visual biofeedback's influence on trunk muscles' (EMG) activity and endurance holding time for correct position during whole-body tilt exercise. For the study, we recruited 14 volunteers who showed no symptom of lumbar disease during medical tests. We measured the EMG activity of their rectus abdominis, external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique and erector spinae muscles, and their endurance holding time for correct position during anterior and posterior whole-body tilt under two conditions: whole-body tilt with and without visual biofeedback. Resistance with gravitational force on the trunk during whole-body tilt was applied by using a device that had a monitor on which the subjects could check their alignment and that sounded an alarm if a subject's alignment collapsed. The study showed an increase in the EMG activity of external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique/rectus abdominis ratio and endurance holding time for correct position during both anterior and posterior whole-body tilt with visual biofeedback compared with without visual biofeedback (p<.05). We suggest that the whole-body tilt exercise with visual biofeedback could be a beneficial strategy for selectively strengthening the internal abdominal oblique muscle and minimizing the rectus abdominis muscle's activity while maintaining correct alignment during whole-body tilt exercise.