참딱부리긴노린재의 생물학적 특성을 조사하기 위하여, 온도 20±1, 25±1, 30±1, 35±1, 37.5±1, 40±1℃, 습도 80±10%, 광주기 16:8(L:D)에서 발육실험을 실시하였다. 그 결과 알부터 성충우화까지의 발육영점온도는 14.8℃, 유효적산온도는 399.1일도였다. 35℃에서 조사한 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 알 기간은 5.6일, 부화율은 81.1%, 약충 기간은 14.3일(1령 3.2, 2령 2.2, 3령 2.7, 4령 2.7, 5령 3.6일)이었다. 암컷 성충의 수명은 33.8일, 산란기간은 29.2일이었다. 총 산란수는 111.2개, 하루 최대산란수는 14.8개(7일차)였다. 알과 약충은 37.5℃까지만 발육하고 40℃에서는 발육하지 못했으며, 40℃에서 총 산란수는 22.1개였다. 참딱부리긴노린재 1령, 3령, 5령, 성충의 담배가루이 번데기 하루포식량은 각각 1.9, 7,3, 18.7, 29.5마리였다.
Developmental characteristics of Geocoris pallidipennis were investigated at a constant temperature (20±1, 25±1, 30±1, 35±1, 37.5±1 and 40±1℃), under long day illumination 16:8 (L:D) and constant relative humidity (80±10%). From egg to adulthood, the lower developmental threshold and the effective accumulative temperature were 14.8℃ and 399.1 day-degree, respectively. The experimental results at 35℃ were as follows. The egg period was 5.6 days (hatchability: 81.1%) and the nymphal period was 14.3 days (1st: 3.2, 2nd: 2.2, 3rd: 2.7, 4th: 2.7, 5th: 3.6). Female longevity was 33.8 days and the oviposition period was 29.2 days. Total egg production was 111.2 eggs and the maximum daily egg production was 14.8 eggs (in 7th days). However, although some eggs and nymphs developed at 37.5℃, G. pallidipennis could not develop at 40℃, The total egg production at 40℃ was only 22.1 eggs. When G. pallidipennis was fed on Bemisia tabaci pupae, daily prey consumption by nymphs (1st, 3rd and 5th) and adults was 1.9, 7.3, 18.7 and 29.5, respectively.