본 연구는 과학캠프 참가 만족도 및 효과의 학년별 차이를 알아보기 위해 ‘생명환경과학캠프’에 참가한 초·중등생을 대상으로 2009년 7월 20일부터 8월 11일의 기간 동안 총 385부의설문을 실시, 분석하였다. 캠프참가 이전 과학 흥미도는 초등학교 4~6학년(50.7%), 중학교 1학년(44.3%), 중학교 2학년(39.5%)순이었으며 캠프 이 후 과학에 대한 흥미도가 증가한 학년별 차이는 초등학교 4~6학년(68%), 중학교 1학년(63.3%), 중학교 2학년(54.4%)순으로 연구되었다. 캠프의 수업이 학교 과학 수업에 도움을 주는 정도에 관한 긍정적인 응답은 초등학교 4~6학년(71.7%), 중학교 2학년(60.5%), 중학교 1학년(53.2%)순으로 나타났으며, 과학캠프 재참여 의사는 초등학교4~6학년(56.4%), 중학교1학년(50.6%), 중학교2학년(35.8%)순으로 나타났다. 과학캠프 참가로 장래희망에 영향을 받은 정도는 중학교1학년(43.1%), 초등학교4~6학년(40%), 중학교2학년(29.6%)순으로 나타났다.
This study was analyzed to search the effect and satisfaction of life environment science camp by grade difference. The targets were elementary school 4~6-year students and middle school 1~2-year students participated in the ‘Life environment science camp' during 20 July~11 Aug. 2009. Science interests rate of participant students at the camp were 50.7% of elementary school 4~6-year students, 44.3% of middle school 1-year students, 39.5% of 2-year students, and increasing interests in science after the camp were 68% of elementary school 4~6-year students, 63.3% of middle school 1-yearstudents, 54.4% of 2-year students.The effect of the science camp on their school science class were 71.7% of elementary school 4~6-year students, 60.5% of middle school 2-year students, 53.2% of 1-year students. In addition, Intention of rejoining the science camp were 56.4% of elementary school 4~6-year students, 50.6% of middle school 1-year students, 35.8% of 2-year student. However, intention to get a science related job were 43.1% of middle school 1-year students, 40%of elementary school 4~6-year students, 29.6% of middle school 2-year students.