산채 자원의 발굴과 산업화를 위한 기초자료 확보 측면에서 산채 557종류에 대해 2006년 12월까지 발표된 국내 문헌을 중심으로 항균, 항산화, 항암 및 항당료성 산채의 종류와 내용을 조사하였다. 산채를 종류별로 나열 한 다음 항균, 항산화, 항암 및 항당료성 효과와 관련된 문헌을 표기함으로써 산채에 따른 연구 성과와 기능성 효과 파악에 크게 도움이 되었다. 문헌에 항균효과로 있는 것으로 나타난 산채 종류 수는 36종류(6.5%)였으며, 항산화 효과가 있는 것으로 나타난 것은 25종류(4.5%)였다. 문헌에 항암효과가 있는 것으로 산채 종류 수는 44종류(7.9%)였으며, 항당료 효과가 있는 것으로 나타난 것은 47종류(8.4%)였고, 기타 기능성 효과가 있는 것으로 나타난 것은 165종류(29.6%)였다.
This study was conducted to establish a basic data finding out the wild vegetable resources and their industrialization. And we have also investigated into the kinds and the contents of edible wild vegetable plants which had the functional properties in terms of anti-microbial, anti-oxidation, anti-cancer and anti-glycosuria activities centering around five hundred and fifty five documentary records published until December, 2006 in Korea. We have arranged the different edible wild vegetables in a row by families, and inscribed the documentary records' serial numbers associated with the anti-microbial, anti-oxidation, anti-cancer and anti-glycosuria activities to be helpful to the outcome of study about the wild vegetables and the understandings of their functional properties. Thirty six kinds of wild vegetables had a anti-microbial activity by 6.5%, and twenty five kinds of that showed a anti-oxidation activity by 4.5% in the literatures. Forty four kinds of that had a anti-cancer activity by 7.9%, and forty seven kinds of that had a anti-glycosuria activity by 8.4%. And one hundred and sixty five kinds of that had an other functional properties by 29.6% in the documentary records brought out in Korea.