일미찰과 흑진주찰의 예냉온도와 저온처리를 통한 풋옥수수의 품질 변이를 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다.
1. 예냉 처리 및 저장에 따른 품질변화에서 품종간 차이는 미비하였으며, 예냉처리 보다 저온저장이 외관 품질변화에는 더 큰 영향을 미침을 알 수 있었다.
2. 예냉처리 후 저장고 입고 초기까지의 이삭 품온 변화는 예냉처리구는 4시간, 냉장처리구는 입고 후 약 10시간 후 품온과 외기가 같아졌으며 저온처리구에서는 10일 까지도 포엽의 외관상 신선도가 유지되었다.
3. 상온처리구에서는 포엽이 마르면서 신선도도 떨어지고 중량도 감소하지만 고습으로 유지되는 저온처리구에서는 중량감소가 거의 일어나지 않았다.
4. 저장에 따른 식미관능평가에서 상온처리구에서는 저장기간이 길어질수록 식감이 떨어지지만 저온처리구는 오히려 수확직후의 옥수수보다 식감이 좋게 느껴질 정도로 부드럽고 씹는 맛이 좋았다.
Quality attributes of fresh waxy corn (Zea mays L.) as affected by pre-cooling and storage temperature (4oC and room temperature) were investigated in terms of weight loss, moisture, color, reducing sugar content, and sensory quality. Two varieties of waxy corn with white and black kernel color, Ilmichal and Heukjinjuchal respectively, were cultivated at the field of National Institute of Crop Science in 2007 and 2008 to determine the physiologically optimal storage condition for higher eating quality stored in refrigerator of 4oC and room temperature. They are pre-cooled immediately after harvest with ice for 5 hours. Quality analyses were monitored during 10 days at 4oC storage room comparing with those of non cooled and stored at room temperature. A higher weight loss over 15% observed in both of two waxy corn varieties that were stored at room temperature. But there was not significantly difference with variety or pre-cooling treatment. There was up to 10% increase in moisture content in kernels non pre-cooled and stored at room temperature. For all treatments, very small amount of free sugar were detected, however, there were no significant differences between treatments. Glucose concentration increased with time in kernels stored at 4oC and the effect of pre-cooling was not significant. A general darkening in color of kernels and a trend to turn yellow was observed in the pre-cooled corns when they were steam-cooked. Total sensory scores of corns stored in 4oC were better than those of samples stored in room temperature and there was not significantly difference with variety or pre-cooling treatment. As storage period was longer, shelf lifes of waxy corn in control and waxy corn treated with technique applied to store waxy corn, and the quality of waxy corn could be maintained and the storage expense could be saved during storage. It is required that further studies narrow down the effect of precooling on fresh waxy corn during short time storage.