본 연구에서는 다수확 품종인 벼 품종들의 이화학적인 특성을 조사하여 가공적성이 우수한 품종을 선정하고, TG를 첨가하여 쌀 스폰지케이크를 제조함으로써 로프 볼륨과 조직감 등 품질향상을 위해 실험을 수행하였다. 아밀로오스 함량은 품종간 18.5~20.2% 범위로 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 물결합력은 품종 중 보람찬이 높아 제빵 제조에 적절하였으며 물결합력과전분손상도는 서로 정의 상관을 나타냈다. 품종들의 호화특성은 트랜스글루타미나제를 첨가하지 않은 쌀가루보다 첨가된쌀가루에서 향상되었다. 쌀 스폰지 케이크의 부피와 견고도는부의 상관관계를 가졌고, 0.2% TG 첨가 시 밀가루와 유사한부피를 나타냈다. 스폰지케이크의 경도는 무첨가 보다 TG 첨가 시 변화가 적어 노화가 억제되었고, 0.2% 첨가 시 물성개선에 적절하였다. 관능검사 결과 보람찬 품종이 외형, 조직, 맛과 전체적인 평가에서 우수하였다.
This study was carried out to select the rice variety that had excellent processing quality through physicochemical properties and to examine the textural properties of rice sponge cake prepared with different amounts of added transglutaminase(TG). The amylose contents of cultivars were in a range of 18.5~20.2% that did not show significantly differences among the rice cultivars. The water binding capacity of Boramchan was higher than those of the other rice flours, which makes it an appropriate rice flour for bread baking properties. Water binding capacity was positively correlated with the damaged starch content of each rice cultivar. Amylogram properties of cultivars were improved in rice flour with addition of transglutaminase with comparison to those of rice flour without transglutaminase. The volume of rice sponge cake increased as addition level of transglutaminase increased up to 0.6% and decreased thereafter. It was similar to it used with wheat flour when 0.2% transglutaminase was added. The hardness of the sponge cake added with transglutaminase increased more slowly than that of the sponge cake without transglutaminase, 0.2% addition of TG led to the best textural properties. On sensory evaluation, the appearance, taste, texture, overall acceptability of sponge cake made from Boramchan were much better than those of the other cultivars.