무인헬기를 이용한 벼 직파재배기술을 확립하고자2009 ~ 2010년에 국립식량과학원 벼맥류부 계화 시험포장에서 무인헬기의 벼 직파성능, 최적 비행방법, 볍씨의 적정 최아길이 및 쌀 수량 등을 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
1. 무인헬기의 볍씨 1회 탑재량은 18 kg이며, 파종면적은 0.4 ha이었으며, 무인헬기의 비행속도는 20 km/hr, 비행높이는 3m가 적당하였다.
2. 무인헬기의 ha당 파종시간은 10분이 소요되었으며, 이는 기존의 직파재배보다 파종노력이 6 ~ 15배정도 절감되었다. 파종비용은 무인헬기 직파가 담수표면산파보다 14%정도 절감되었다.
3. 무인헬기로 파종할 볍씨의 최아길이는 3 mm보다 1 mm가 적당하였다.
4. 무인헬기 직파시 담수로터리직후 파종보다 담수로터리 후 1일에 파종한 것이 볍씨가 얕게 매몰되어 입모가 양호하였다.
5. 무인헬기를 이용한 직파재배가 이앙재배보다 쌀 수량이 3%, 완전미 수량이 5%정도 감소되었으며, 완전미 비율도 다소 낮은 경향이었다.
6. 이상의 결과로 보아 대규모 들녘에서 무인헬기를 이용하여 벼 직파재배를 할 경우 획기적인 노력절감 효과가 기대된다.
Rapid spread of agricultural helicopter by remote control is being caused for developing rice direct seeding method to disseminate the technology to the farmer’s field. Therefore, this experiment was conducted for seeding efficiency, proper flying method of agricultural helicopter by remote control. The result showed that the possible seeding amount by agricultural helicopter by remote control per time were 17 ~ 18 kg, which is able to seed for 0.4 hectare. While the helicopter was seeding, the proper flying speed, flying altitude and seeding time per hectare were 20 km per hour, 3 m from the ground, and 10 minutes respectively, which reduced the burden of the conventional direct seeding by 6 ~ 15 times. The price of seeding by the helicopter was lower than that of direct seeding using power by 14%. The proper sprouting length of rice seeds for seeding was only 1mm compared to 3mm for conventional direct seeding because of the long sprouts often lead to entangled seeds result in uneven distribution of the seeds. For heliborne direct sowing, one-day-later seeding after flooding rotary rather than immediate seeding after flooding rotary showed better emergence with slight burial of rice. Comparing with transplanting culture, yield of rice in direct seeding with am agricultural helicopter decreased by 3% andyield of head rice did by 5%. This indicate that agricultural helicopter by remote control method can be recommendable for labor-saving of rice cultivation, particularly in large-scale.