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조직문화와 안전풍토가 안전행동 및 사고에 미치는 영향: 도시철도 기관사를 중심으로 KCI 등재후보

The Effect of Organizational Culture and Safety Climates on Safety Behavior and Accidents: Focused on the metro train drivers

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284725
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

This study highlights the theme of human error of train drivers, conducting empirical analysis on the relationship between organizational culture, safety climates, safety behavior, and accident. The empirical test results based on questionnaires received from 223 train drivers working at A subway firm indicated that relationship conflict and psychological reward as the elements of organizational culture variables showed a significant positive effect on CEO philosophy, communication, and boss's leadership. And only boss's leadership showed a positive influence on safety behavior, which in turn showed a significant negative relationship with accidents.

 1. 연구배경 및 필요성
 2. 선행연구 고찰
  2.1 조직문화와 안전풍토
  2.2 안전행동과 사고의 관계
 3. 연구설계
  3.1 연구모형과 척도
  3.2 응답자 특성
  3.3 연구방법
 4. 연구결과
  4.1 측정도구의 타당성 검증과 확인요인분석
  4.2 구조방정식 결과
  4.3 논의
 5. 연구의 시사점 및 결론
 6. References
 저 자 소 개
  • 노춘호(서울과학기술대학교) | Choon-Ho Ro
  • 신택현(서울과학기술대학교) | Tack-Hyun Shin Corresponding author
  • 이용만(서울도시철도공사) | Yong-Mann Lee
  • 구승환(국방기술품질원) | Seung-Hwan Gu
  • 김승태(SK C&C) | Seung-Tae Kim