동결건조보호제(glucose, maltose, lactose 및 sucrose)를 첨가한 캡슐형 분말김치를 -20, 0, 4 및 25°C에서 4개월간 저장하면서 생균(젖산균)수를 측정한 결과, -20°C에서 저장한 캡슐형 분말김치에서 4개월 후에도 젖산균이 7 log CFU/g 이상 유지되었으며, 동결 건조 보호제로 glucose를 첨가한 캡슐형 분말 김치의 젖산균은 대조군 보다 약 3log CFU/g 이상 더 높았다. 4 및 0°C에 저장된 캡슐형 분말김치에서도 저장 4개월째의 젖산균수는 7~8 log CFU/g으로 유지되는 것을 확인하였다. 25°C에 저장된 캡슐형 분말 김치에서는 저장 10주까지는 4~5 log CFU/g으로 젖산균수가 유지되었으나, 저장 4개월 후 젖산균이 확인되지 않았다. 분말김치 내의 생균수를 7~8 log CFU/g로 4개월 이상 유지하기 위해서는 동결건조보호제(maltose 또는 glucose) 첨가처리와 더불어 냉장 및 냉동 보관이 필수적임을 확인하였다
This study was conducted to evaluate effect of adding cryoprotectant agents on the growth of lactic acid bacteria during storage of powdered Kimchi. Powdered Kimchi was prepared by adding 1.5%cryoprotectant (glucose, maltose, lactose, and sucrose) and freeze-dried. For the preparation of micro-sized particle of Kimchi powder, the freeze-dried Kimchi was powered at 14,000 rpm for 2 min. The survival ratio of lactic acid bacteria in the powdered Kimchi was monitored during storage period of 4 months at -20, 0, 4, and 25℃ after the capsulation of the powedered Kimchi. The number of lactic acid bacteria in the powdered Kimchi capsule was the greatest stored at -20℃, and the addition of glucose in cryoprotectant showed higher survival rate of lactic acid bacteria than that of control. More than 107 CFU/g of lactic acid bacteria were survived in the powdered Kimchi stored at 0 and 4℃. However, the lactic acid bacteria were not detected in the powdered Kimchi stored at 25℃. As a results, the addition of cryoprotectant agents in the manufacturing process improved the survival rate of lactic acid bacteria in powered Kimchi products with accompanying with a cold-chain system for the distributon of powdered Kimchi products.