This study was carried out to evaluate the preventive effect of three forms of Korean ginseng roots (fresh, white and red) against bisphenol A (BPA) toxicity in mouse male germ cells (GC-2spd, TM3, TM4). ROS (reactive oxygen species) generation were measured by DCF-DA (2’,7’-dichlorohydrofluorescein diacetate) assay. Also, semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to quantify the mRNA expression levels of apoptosis- related genes, Bax (pro-apoptotic gene) and Bcl2 (anti-apoptotic gene). ROS generation was increased by 50 μM BPA, but definitely decreased by treatment with Korean ginseng extracts (fresh, white and red) in mouse male germ cells. In especial, Korean fresh ginseng extract reduced significantly ROS production to normal control. In addition, Korean fresh and white ginseng extracts suppressed the apoptosis of mouse male germ cells by fine-tuning mRNA levels of apoptotic genes changed by BPA. In general, Korean fresh ginseng extract was more effective than white ginseng extract for reducing BPAinduced oxidative stress and apoptosis in mouse male germ cells. Therefore, Korean fresh and white ginseng may help to alleviate biphenol A toxicity in mouse male germ cells.