This study was carried out to investigate the effect of pre-germination soaking on germination in 90 Korean soybean varieties and identification of protein in seeds of 7 soybean varieties. The results obtained that germination rate of soybean seeds was decreased as amount of soaking water and soaking duration in number of days. Difference in germination rate of soybean seeds was significant at three days soaking with water volume of 90 ml. Water absorption of seeds was rapidly increased during the first 6 hours, followed by slow increase until 24 hours and then decreased 24 to 48 hours after soaking soybean varieties for bean sprout soaked the lowest amount of water, while soybean varieties for cooking with rice showed the lowest seed water content. Dissolved oxygen (DO) in soaking water was rapidly decreased during the first 3 hours after soaking, and then slowly decreased. Soybean varieties for vegetable and early maturity showed the lowest DO during early soaking periods, but showed higher DO after 24 hours than other groups of soybean varieties. Electrical conductivity and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) were increased as number of soaking days increased. Soybean varieties for vegetable and early maturity showed the highest electrical conductivity and TDS, followed by those for sauce and paste or cooking with rice, while showed the lowest electrical conductivity and TDS, varieties for bean sprout. Among 90 Korean soybean varieties, varieties which showed the highest germination rate were Jangsu-kong for sauce and paste, Sobaegnamul-kong for bean sprout, Seonheuk-kong for cooking with rice, Seunnokkong for vegetable and early maturity. On the ather hand varieties which showed the lowest germination rate were Iksan and Songhak-kong for sauce and paste, Pangsa-kong for bean sprout, Jinyeul-kong for cooking with rice, Sinlok-kong for vegetable and early maturity. Germination rates of soybean seeds were higher when electrical conductivity, TDS and water absorption of seeds were lower. There were negative correlations between electrical conductivity, TDS and water absorption of seeds and germination rate, while there were positive correlations among electrical conductivity, TDS and soybean seed weight.