Skin anti-wrinkle activities of the stems and leaves of Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai were evaluated by theextracts obtained from various extraction processes such as using hot water at 100oC, 70% ethanol at 85oC, and 70% etha-nol with ultrasonication at 60oC The ultrasonicated extract showed 95.62% of the highest cell viability in addition of0.3㎎/㎖ of the extracts into the normal human fibroblast cell, CCD-986sk. For antioxidant activities, the extracts usingultrasonicated extract showed the highest DPPH free radical scavenging as 80.27%, followed by 75.88% and 62.44% for theextracts using ethanol extract and water extract. The ultrasonicated extract also showed the highest elastase inhibition activ-ity as 25.32%, compared to ethanol extract and water extract based method at 22.01% and 12.88%, respectively. MMP-1production was most effectively decreased down to 2908.1pg/㎖ with ultrasonicated extract while 6640.8pg/㎖ with waterextract and 3609.3pg/㎖ with ethanol extract, in addition of 0.3㎎/㎖. Collagen production was increased up to 154.7ng/㎖in addition of ultrasonicated extract, and followed by 121.4ng/㎖ and 31.2ng/㎖ for ethanol extract and water extract,respectively. These results indicate that the ethanol extract should have skin anti-wrinkling activities and can be improvedby the ultrasonication process that high energy input elute more amounts of bioactive substances eluting more amounts ofbioactive substances from the high energy input of ultrasonication.