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광 조건에 따른 동부나물 생육특성 및 영양성분 변화 KCI 등재

Growth Characteristics and Nutrient Content of Cowpea Sprouts Based on Light Conditions

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/310867
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한국작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Crop Science)
한국작물학회 (Korean Society Of Crop Science)

We examined the effects of light colors (wavelength) and light quantities on the yield ratio and quality of cultivated cowpea sprouts. All light colors resulted in a lower cowpea sprout yield ratio compared to the untreated condition (darkness), but were similar in hard seed ratio. All light colors promoted the growth of the epicotyl and root when compared to the untreated condition, but limited the growth of the hypocotyl. White light (458 nm) significantly improved grade by increasing the lightness of the cotyledon and the hypocotyl and the yellowness of the hypocotyl. The Fe content of cowpea sprouts was higher in those grown under red light (632 nm), and the total amino acid content was higher for those grown under yellow light (560 nm), white light (458 nm), and blue light (460 nm) compared to plants grown in the untreated condition (darkness). The yield ratio of cowpea sprouts was lower in the yellow light condition (560 nm) at lower light quantity, but no differences were observed at other light colors and quantities. The lightness and yellowness of cowpea sprouts was higher in the yellow light (560 nm) and red light (632 nm) at lower light quantity, redness was lower. No significant differences were observed in the content of normal and inorganic components according to the light quantities of each light color, except that Fe content was higher in sprouts grown under red light (632 nm) as light quantity increased. Total amino acid content was slightly higher in sprouts grown under white light (458 nm) and blue light (460 nm) as light quantity increased.

  • 김동관(전라남도농업기술원) | Dong-Kwan Kim Corresponding author
  • 김영민((농)동의나라) | Young-Min Kim
  • 천상욱((주)이파리넷) | Sang-Uk Chon
  • 이경동(동신대학교) | Kyung-Dong Lee
  • 임요섭(순천대학교) | Yo-Sup Rim