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A Study on the Scenic Sites of the Joseon Period in Myeongseungyuramdo - Focusing on 「Cheonggu Namseungdo」 - KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/314677
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휴양및경관연구 (Journal of Recreation and Landscape)
전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 (Institute of Recreation and Landscape Planning)

「청구남승도」를 대상으로 조선시대 명승유람놀이의 내용 및 특성을 살핀 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 「청구남승도」에 나타는 명승지의 도별(道別) 분포 결과 전국 팔도 명승을 고르게 안배하고자 했던 흔적이 잘 드러나 있다. 특히 조선시대 5악으로 알려진 삼각산을 비롯하여 금강산, 지리산, 묘향산 그리고 백두산이 모두 포함되고 있으며 천제단이 있는 마나산과 태백산이 포함되어 있는 것을 볼 때 강토에 대한 애착과 역사의식이 강하게 부각되고 있다. 또한 조선의 대표적 승경으로 회자되는 관동팔경 10개소가 모두 집경에 포함되고 있으며 평양, 공주, 부여, 경주, 개성 그리고 한양 등 우리나라의 고도(古都)의 명승지가 비중 있게 표시되고 있는 것으로 보아 명승고적을 모두 망라하고자 했던 의지가 잘 드러나고 있다. 「청구남승도」에 표기된 명승 중 2015년 3월 현재 국가지정문화재 ‘명승’으로 지정된 곳은 총 21개소로 확인되었다. 「청구남승도」에 표기된 명승지의 유형 분석 결과, 자연명승이 58(48.3%), 역사문화명승 62개소(51.7%)의 고른 비율을 보였으며 자연명승은 명산(名山)이 21(17.5%), 못이 7개소(5.8%), 대(대)가 6개소(5.0%), 강이 4개소(3.4%) 등의 순이었으며 역사문화명승은 누정 33개소(27.5%), 사찰 10개소(8.3%), 읍성과 관아 7개소(5.9%) 의 순위를 보였다. 남승도놀이는 전국의 명승을 익히고 팔도의 풍토⋅산물⋅인물 등을 이해할 수 있는 유람놀이로 자연 경승지와 고도(古都) 등 명승고적을 와유(臥遊)하면서 자연 및 문화경승지를 간접적으로 체험할 수 있는 놀이였다. 이 놀이는 한민족의 역사의식을 강조하면서 국토의 지리적 위치와 명승지에 대한 지식과 관심을 높이는 교육적 효과를 발휘했을 것으로 현 명승 활용에 시사점을 제시하고 있다.

The following are the results of this study, which examined the contents and characteristics of sightseeing at scenic sites of the Joseon Period by focusing on 「Cheonggu Namseungdo」. The distribution of scenic spots in 「Cheonggu Namseungdo」 by province well displays the traces that scenic sites were intended to be evenly distributed around the nation. In particular, they include the five great mountains of the Joseon Period such as Samgaksan, Geumgangsan, Jirisan, Myohyangsan and Baekdusan Mountains. Considering the fact that they also include Manisan and Taebaeksan, where there is Cheonjedan Altar, it can be seen that affection and historical consciousness regarding land are strongly emphasized. Moreover, judging from the fact that all ten spots of Gwandong Palgyeong (eight scenic spots) referred to as typical scenic spots of Joseon are included in the collection of scenic sites, and that ancient scenic spots of Korea such as Pyeongyang, Gongju, Buyeo, Gyeongju, Gaeseong and Hanyang are marked with importance, there was a strong intention to embrace all scenic sites and places of historic interest. Of all the scenic sites marked in 「Cheonggu Namseungdo」, it was confirmed that total 21 sites have been designated as cultural heritage by the state as of March 2015. As a result of analyzing different types of scenic spots indicated by 「Cheonggu Namseungdo」, it was found that the distribution was even with 58 natural scenic sites (48.3%) and 62 historical and cultural scenic sites (51.7%). Natural scenic sites consisted of 21 famous mountains (17.5%), followed by 7 ponds (5.8%), 6 Dae (5.0%), and 4 rivers (3.4%), while historical and cultural scenic sites consisted of 33 pavilions (27.5%), 10 temples (8.3%), and 7 fortresses and government offices (5.9%). The Namseungdo game was a sightseeing game that gives an understanding of nationwide scenic sites as well as the natural characteristics, products and figures of the eight provinces of Korea, through which one could indirectly experience natural and cultural scenic sites by strolling through simulatory scenic spots and places of historic interest such as natural scenic sites and ancient cities. This game provides implications to the utilization of current scenic sites in that it may have produced the educational effect of increasing knowledge and interest in geographical locations and scenic spots of the territory while also emphasizing the historical consciousness of the Korean people.

  • Jaehyun Roh(Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University) | 노재현 Corresponding author
  • Taehee Park(Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Dongshin University) | 박태희