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FRP Hybrid Bar의 수지 경화 속도에 따른 적정 배합비 산출을 위한 실험적 연구 KCI 등재

An Experimental Study for Calculating Proper Mix Proportion according to Curing Time of Synthetic Resins in FRP Hybrid Bar

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/317182
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복합신소재구조학회 논문집 (Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures)
한국복합신소재구조학회 (Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures)

FRP Hybrid Bar, composite structures composed of synthetic resins, deformed bar and glass fiber, was invented in order to solve corrosion of rebar in reinforced concrete structures. In order to bond deformed bar and glass fiber to FRP Hybrid Bar, synthetic resins is used. Curing time of the synthetic resins greatly affect productivity. If curing time of synthetic resins is short, cost of facilities is reduced and productivity is increased. Also, If this curing time is shorter or omitted, FRP Hybrid Bar can be commercialized. So, it can cause mass-production and substantial economic effect. Therefore, in this paper, optimum mix proportion is observed in order to increase economic efficiency of FRP Hybrid Bar and reduce curing time of synthetic resins. Total 9 variables are set, adjusting ratio of hardener ratio, and 3 resin moulds on each variables are fabricated. Optimum mix proportion is suggested based on data measured by temperature sensor.

1. 서 론
 2. FRP Hybrid Bar 소개
  2.1 FRP Hybrid Bar의 재료적 특성
  2.2 FRP Hybrid Bar의 제작방법
 3. 수지 배합비에 따른 경화속도 검토
  3.1 합성수지의 종류
  3.2 합성수지 배합비
  3.3 실험방법
 4. 실험 결과
  4.1 수지경화를 위한 경화제비
  4.2 경화시간에 따른 적정배합비 제안
 5. 결 론
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