This study used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to investigate the micro-morphological features of two formaldehyde to urea (F/U) mole ratio liquid urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins with three hardener levels as a function of the curing time. The micro-morphological features of the liquid UF resins were characterized after different curing times. As a result, the TEM examination revealed the presence of globular/nodular structures in both liquid UF resins, while spherical particles were only visible in the low F/U mole ratio resins. The high F/U mole ratio liquid UF resins also showed extensive particle coalescence after adding the hardener, along with the appearance of complex filamentous networks. When the resins were cured with a higher amount of hardener and longer curing time, the spherical particles disappeared. For the low mole UF resins, the particles tended to coalesce with a higher amount of hardener and longer curing time, although discrete spherical particles were still observed in some regions. This is the first report on the distinct features of the crystal structures in low F/U mole ratio UF resins cured with 5% hardener and after 0.5 h of curing time. In conclusion, the present results indicate that the crystal structures of low F/U mole ratio UF resins are formed during the curing process.
We investigated heat stability of epoxy resin products and epoxy resin according to the influence hardener. The heat flow which shows the degree of thermal decomposition of the epoxy resin product and epoxy resin measured by using the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). As a result, we found that in the case of heat stability for epoxy resin as hardener was added, the ratio of one to one (epoxy resin : hardener) was the most suitable in air condition and nitrogen atmosphere.
Carbonized concrete structure becomes superannuated gradually and its accelerated subsequent deterioration process leads to corrosion of steel while it ages. Recently economical and environmental concern about remodeling such superannuated concrete, including the basic structure of concrete, has been rapidly growing. Alkali restorative, which restores alkalinity in carbonized concrete structure, is used in the field of remodeling in order to improve the property of concrete structure. There have been many different kinds of materials which restore alkalinity in carbonized concrete. They can be classified according to their structural elements. This study focuses on the alkali restorative which mainly consists of silicic lithium metallic salt while examining the durable effectiveness of the factors (such as water permeation, surface erosion, elution of alkali, etc.), which will continuously affect concrete as deteriorating factors even after the restoration of alkali. The result shows that the alkali restorative consisting mainly of silicic lithium contributes to water-resistance, surface strength, and long term durability of alkali due to water permeation in carbonized concrete.
In this paper, we describe a study on the relationship between neutral emulsion manufacture and hardening test of films. The hardeners were prepared by condensation of equimolar amounts of trichlorotriazine with benzene- or naphthalene-based amino or oxy acids at 0 to 5℃ and at pH 7, and used as hardening agents for gelatin. The hardening test of neutral emulsion layers was studied at pH 7.0. For example I(R=ONa) had strong hardening properties, I substituted with an aminobenzosulfonate moiety (R=NHC6H4-p-SO3Me where Me = K, Na) was a much weaker gelatin hardener, and when substituted with amino- or oxynaphthalene derivative (II, III) did not harden gelatin at all. Compound with 2 dichlorotriazine groups as IV exhibited hardening properties. The hardener can be used in neutral emulsion layer of film and showed good hardening effect.
The hardening test of gelatin with 2,4-dichloro-6-hydroxy-1,3,5-triazine mono sodium salt was studied at pH 5, 7, 8 and about increasing temperature, respectively. The hardener was prepared by the reaction of cyanuric chloride with sodium hydroxide, disodium hydrogenphosphate-12-water and trisodium phosphate-12-water in the presence of water. The product was identified by elemental analyzer. IR spectrophotometer. Novel hardener can be used in photographic emulsion and showed very good hardening effect.
본 연구는 고성능 폴리머 시멘트계 프리캐스트 제품의 개발 및 미세균열 발생 시 자기치유기능을 확보할 목적으로 경화제 무첨가 EMM의 물리적 성질을 검토하고, 그 물성에 영향을 끼치는 시멘트 매트릭스 내의 에폭시수지 경화도와 현미경을 통한 조직구조의 관찰과 함께 자기치유효과를 검토하였다. 그 결과, 경화제 무첨가 EMM의 폴리머 혼입에 의한 강도 개선 효과는 인장강도, 휨강도, 압축강도의 순으로 나타났다. 접착성은 콘크리트 피착체의 모세관 공극에 폴리머 필름의 형성에 기인한 투묘효과에 기인하여 크게 향상되었다. 투수저항성은 폴리머 결합재비 20% 및 고로슬래그 미분말 치환율 30%를 병용한 EMM에서 보통시멘트 모르타르 대비 97%의 감소율을 나타내 매우 우수하였 다. 고로슬래그미분말, 팽창재 및 황산나트륨을 병용한 EMM의 균열 폭은 고로슬래그 치환율이 증가함에 따라 미미하게 감소하였으나, 고로 슬래그미분말 치환율 20%에서 수중침지기간의 증가와 함께 서서히 균열부 자기폐색 효과를 관찰할 수 있었다.
This study was conducted to improve the economy, quality, and load of Soil paving concrete by using waste materials such as Oystery and Dolomitic to solve strength reduction and durability reduction caused by hardening agents in Korea. According to the results of the study, for the curing expenses, the Fine part agreement (FC) and the Furnace slag power lower (BS) are 5:5, It was possible to verify that the best results were obtained in terms of the quality of cement mortar when the natural organic lime and dolomitic lime were mixed at a ratio of 5:5.