Evaluation of Protein Analysis Using Immuno-MemBlot Method
Immuno-MemBlot is a technique for detecting, analyzing, and identifying proteins, similar to the Western blot technique but differing in that protein samples are not separated electrophoretically but are spotted through circular or slot templates directly onto the membrane. Recently we developed a new Immuno-MemBlot (IMB) method applying immunoreactions and coloring procedures directly in the wells of MemBlot apparatus, which were connected by canals to perform drainage for reagent application and buffer irrigation. This IMB method was designed to get theimmunoblot results more rapidly and clearly than the previous immunoblot ones. This study is aimed to evaluate the analytical accuracy of IMB using different biological assay. In the sensitivity test of IMB the monoclonal antibody can clearly detect the 30 ng (about 12 pM) of Mucocidin peptide (35 mer), and is also available to detect at least 10 ng (about 4 pM) of Mucocidin peptide (35 mer). The IMB was effective in the quantitative analysis of methothrexate (MTX) assay for cellular apoptosis. And more, this IMB is useful to screen large number of specific samples with ease and accuracy in a short time. In the screenings for the presence of Mucocidin in saliva the quantitative comparison is conspicuous among 48 persons depend on the different conditions ofgender, drinking and smoking habits, and oral diseases. Therefore, it is presumed that, even though the target proteins were partly degraded, a specific epitope can be detected if a monoclonal antibody was still reactive. Conclusively, these data suggest that the IMB can be useful in the primary qualitativeand quantitative analysis of proteins in various fluids, i.e., blood, saliva, tear, urine, etc.