Effect of Boron Excess on Physiological Disorder of Leaf, Growth and Mineral Concentration of 2-Year-Old Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) Cultured by Hydroponic System
Background : Boron (B) is an essential element required for the growth of plant. It has a narrow range of optimal concentration from minimum to maximum thresholds than other micro-elements. The study was carried out to investigate to the influence of B excess concentrations on physiological disorder of leaf, growth and mineral concentration of ginseng to obtain basic information for physiological disorder diagnose. Methods and Results : The ginseng cultivar ‘Gumpoong’ was cultivated by hydroponic system for 2 months. The toxicity symptoms which ginseng leaves were curved downwardly and induced to chlorosis after beginning to dry the edge appeared on leaves more than 30 ppm compared to the control(3 ppm). The growth of ginseng was more decreased with higher B concentration. Mn uptake was also decreased as B concentration increased. It was found that B excess hindered the growth of ginseng and was reversely related to Mn uptake. Conclusions : More than B 30 ppm can negatively affect growth and mineral uptake. Consequently, B excess can occur physiological disorder of ginseng.