Mixolab is suitable to evaluate mixograph and farinograph for testing dough rheology and amylopgraph for properties of starch pasting with a view to analyze protein and starch quality at the same time. Mixolab analysis revealed that water absorption and dough development time of Korean wheat cultivars were similar to it of soft wheats and flour while dough stability and protein weakening of Korean wheat cultivars were similar to it of hard wheat and strong flour. Also, starch properties of Korean wheat cultivars showed similar properties of hard wheats. There was a significantly positive correlation between mixolab and mixograph in the water absorption of dough, whereas no correlation was observed between them in dough development time and stability. Furthermore, maximum viscosity of starch and breakdown in amylopgraph were correlated to stabilities of pasting and cooking and setback in mixolab. Resultantly, in mixolab, properties of dough and protein highly and positively correlated to loaf volume, hardness of noodles, and size of cookies i.e. diameter. Moreover, positive correlation was identified between viscoelasticity of noodles and properties of protein, pasting, and setback in mixolab.