A study on industrialization of Marphysa sanguinea
바위털갯지렁이의 양식산업은 바다목장화와 해양환경보존, 그리고 어민들의 소득증대라는 일석이조의 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 더 불어 친해양환경적인 바위털갯지렁이산업은 해양산업의 중심으로 자리매김할 것이다.
This study aims to propose the effects "killing two birds with one stone" of making the sea become a pasture and increased income of a fisherman's by establishing environment-friendly Marphysa sanguinea raising industry using the natural environment. So to speak, it can be defined to be the very useful strategic environment-friendly marine industry in making Mecca of maritime fishery.