This paper explores a governing condition on the extraction from the NPs. According to Fiengo & Higginbotham (1981), "specificity condition" blocks the extraction from the NPs having `some definite reference.` However, the extraction out of the NPs does not seem to be governed only by the specificity condition. As indicated by Erteschik-Shir (1973) and Horn (1974), the presence of an indefinite determiner in and of itself does not suffice to rule in extraction and the acceptability of extraction also appears to depend to some extent on the choice of verb. The extraction from the NPs seems to depend on the actual interpretation of the NPs rather than on the choice of determiner. In this paper, we present an account of the extractability from the NPs based on the focus property of the NPs. Following Lee (2004), we assume that the focus-marked object remains in situ within VP, whereas the given or presuppositonal material moves out of VP to receive an appropriate interpretation (i.e., specificity, topic, etc.). The NP which has a non-presuppositional or existential reading can be focus- marked. Hence, it remains inside the VP without movement. The extraction from the NP is allowed. By contrast, the non-focus-marked NP raises to the Spec of v to satisfy the EPP of v. The extraction from the moved NPs is blocked.