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[육성품종 기고] 풋땅콩용 단경 , 내병 , 고품질 땅콩품종 " 세광땅콩 " KCI 등재

A Short Stem Peanut Variety " Sekwangtangkong " Suitable for Fresh Peanut Steaming Quality

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/33822
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
한국육종학회지 (Korea Journal of Breeding Science)
한국육종학회 (The Korean Breeding Society)

"Sekwangtangkong" (Arachis Hypogaea L.) was developed at the National Crop Experiment Station (NCES) in Suwon durig the period from 1989 to 1999 through the cross between a disease resistance line SP8655 (Chungwon3/Wasedairyu) and an early and high yieldi

  • 박장환(작물시험장) | Chang Hwan Park
  • 박희운(작물시험장) | Hee Woon Park
  • 이성우(작물시험장) | Seong Woo Lee
  • 이봉호(농촌진흥청 연구관리국) | Bong Ho Lee
  • 김석동(작물시험장) | Sok Dong Kim