Antimicrobial Activity of GC-100X against Major Food-Borne Pathogens and Detaching Effects of It against Escherichia coli O157:H7 on the surface of Tomatoes
강 알칼리 이온수인 GC-100X의 항균력을 6가지 주요 식품위해 미생물들에 대해 시험하되 4℃, 25℃ 및 36℃의 서로 다른 온도조건과 유기물 조건 하에서 실험을 수행하였다. 그 결과 GC-100X는 37℃, 3시간 반응 조건 하에서 모든 유해균에 대해 1.0X 10^4 CFU/ml감소 이상의 효과를 나타내었으며 멸균 증류수나 표준 경수로 2배 희석한 경우에도 동일한 결과를 나타내었다. 유기물이 존재할 경우는 항균력의 약화가 관찰되었고, 그람 양성균에 대한 항균력은 높지 않았으나 그람 음성균에 대해서는 강력하고 빠른 사멸능력을 나타내었다. 방울 토마토에 인위적으로 E. coli O157:H7을 부착시키고 그에 대한 GC-100X의 세척효과를 기타의 세척제들과 비교해 본 결과, GC-100X 원액, GC-100X 5% 용액은 100 ppm 염소용액과 유사한 세척효과를 나타내었으며 시판 주방용 합성세제에 비해 그 성능이 우수하였다. 또한 시판 주방용 합성세제와는 달리 GC-100X, GC-100X 5% 및 3% 100 ppm 염소용액은 세척후 토마토 내부로의 균 침투를 억제하는 기능이 있음을 확인하였다. 이 결과는 식품 위생과 주방 청결에 일조할 하나의 방안으로서 안전성, 항균력, 세척력을 갖춘 GC-100X의 식품분야 적용 가능성을 시사하고 있다.
GC-100X is non-corrosive alkaline ionic water (pH 12). It is composed of hydroxyl radicals and supplemented with xylitol. Its antimicrobial activity was examined against 6 major food-bome pathogens;Staphylococcus aureus FRI 913, Salmonella enterica serova Enteritidis ATCC 13076, S. enterica serova Typhimurium Korean isolate, Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 17803, Escherichia coli O157:H7 ATCC 43894 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa KCTC 1637 at three different temperatures(4℃, 25℃ and 36℃) with or without an organic material (2% yeast extract),respectively. The antimicrobial activities showed over 4 log-reductions (1.0x10^4 CFU/ml reduction) against all pathogens reacted at 37℃ for 3hours in the absence of the organic material. The activities showed same results when GC-100X was diluted with same volume of distilled water or standard hard water (CaCo_3 300 ppm). Its antimicrobial activity was more effective and quicker in Gram-negative bacteria than Gram-positive bacteria. Its washing efficacy against E. coli O157:H7 exposed to the surfaces of tomatoes(grapes)was compared with that of the other sanitizers such as other kitchen synthetic detergent and 100-ppm chlorine water. For the toxicological evaluation of the sanitizers, viable counts of E. coli O157:H7 penetrated into the core of tomatoes after washing products were also compared. The result revealed that GC-100X stock solution and its 5% diluted solution had similar washing effects to 100-ppm chlorine water and more effective than the other kitchen synthetic detergent. This result indicated that GC-100X had antimicrobial activity and no toxicological side effects, therefore, could be useful for a new sanitizer to use in food safety and kitchen hygiene.