dlm allele controlling disease lesion mimic trait is useful in basic research aimed at better understanding disease hypersensitive response and programmed cell death in soybean. Inheritance between dlm trait and any morphological trait, position of dlm allele on classical linkage group, molecular marker linked to dlm allele were not reported. Two populations [T255 (lf2lf2DlmDlm) x T363 (Lf2Lf2dlmdlm), T363 (dlmdlmp1p1) x T43 (DlmDlmP1P1)] were made to find independent assortment or linkage between dlm locus and lf2 or between dlm locus and P1 locus. The segregation ratios of 3 : 1 were observed in the F2 population and the Chi-square values strongly suggested that the disease lesion mimic and seven-leaflet trait was controlled by a single recessive gene. Glabrousness trait was controlled by a single dominant gene. Segregation ratios of 48 Lf2_Dlm_: 30 Lf2_dlmdlm: 21 lf2f2Dlm_ : 8 lf2lf2dlmdlm based on F2 phenotype showed that dlm allele was inherited independently with the lf2 allele controlling seven-leaflet trait in soybean. However, more F2 plants will be needed to confirm this result. Also, segregation ratios of 137 P1_Dlm_: 46 P1_dlmdlm: 49 p1p1Dlm_ : 16 p1p1dlmdlm from F2 phenotype confirmed strongly that dlm allele was inherited independently with the P1 allele controlling glabrous trait in soybean. This results indicate that dlm allele will not located in soybean classical linkage group 2 (molecular linkage group K) and soybean classical linkage group 16. This observation will helpful to attempt to position the Dlm locus on the soybean molecular linkage map.