딸기의 우수한 교배친을 선발하기 위해 11품종의 자방친을 자식시켜 후대실생 개체들의 성능 검정한 결과 초세, 내병성, 수량성 등이 우수한 ‘아키히메’, ‘매향’, ‘설향’ 등 3품종을 자방친으로 선발하였다. 선발된 3품종에 대하여 조합능력 검정을 한 결과 초세는 ‘아키히메’가 자방친인 조합에서 가장 우수하였고, 성숙기는 ‘설향’이 자방친인 조합에서 빠른 경향이었다. 그리고 ‘설향’ × ‘도치오토메’, ‘설향’ × ‘금향’, ‘설향’ × ‘원교3111호’
In order to select excellent cross parents in strawberry breeding, 11 varieties were self-pollinated and tested their progenies. Among the 11 varieties, ‘Akihime’, ‘Maehyang’ and ‘Seolhyang’ showed superior in plant vigor, disease resistance and yield. Combining ability was tested using 15 progenies obtained from crosses between 3 selected varieties as seed parents and 5 varieties as pollen parents. Plant vigor was the strongest when ‘Akihime’ was used as a seed parent while ripening time tended to the fastest when ‘Seolhyang’ as a seed parent. Average fruit weight of the crosses ‘Seolhyang’ × ‘Tochiotome’, ‘Seolhyang’ × ‘Geumhyang’, ‘Seolhyang’ × ‘Wongyo 3111’ and ‘Akihime’ × ‘Wongyo 3111’ were above 18 g for marketable fruits. Fruit hardness was superior at crosses of ‘Maehyang’ as a seed parents to other crosses combinations, especially ‘Maehyang’ × ‘Tochiotome’. Soluble solid contents (SSC) was not significantly different among cross combinations. The best cross combination for marketable yield was ‘Akihime’ × ‘Wongyo 3111’, followed by ‘Seolhyang’ × ‘Geumhyang’, ‘Maehyang’ × ‘Geumhyang’, ‘Akihime’ × ‘Tochiotome’, in order.