
한국육종학회지 KCI 등재 Korea Journal of Breeding Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 42 No. 4 (2010년 8월) 12

2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Drought, salinity and flooding are three important abiotic factors limiting soybean production worldwide. Irrigation, soil reclamation, and drainage systems are not generally available or economically feasible for soybean production. Therefore, productive soybean varieties with tolerance are a cost effective means for reducing yield losses due to these factors. Genetic variability for higher tolerance to drought, salt and flooding is important. However, only a small portion of nearly 200,000 world soybean accessions have been screened to find genotypes with tolerance for use in breeding programs. Evaluation for tolerance to drought, salinity and flooding is difficult due to lack of faster, cost effective, repeatable screening methods. Soybean strains with higher tolerance to the above stresses have been identified. Crosses with lines with drought, salt and flooding tolerance through conventional breeding has made a significant contribution to improving tolerance to abiotic stress in soybean. Molecular markers associated with tolerance to drought, salt and flooding will allow faster, reliable screening for these traits. Germplasm resources, genome sequence information and various genomic tools are available for soybean. Integration of genomic tools coupled with well-designed breeding strategies and effective uses of these resources will help to develop soybean varieties with higher tolerance to drought, salt and flooding.
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Post-translational covalent modifications by small molecules or peptides remodel target proteins. One such modification, made by ubiquitin or small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO), is a rapidly expanding field in cell signaling pathways. Ubiquitin attachment controls the turnover and degradation of target proteins while SUMO conjugation regulates their activity and function. Recent studies report many examples of cross-talk between ubiquitin and SUMO pathways, indicating that the boundary is no longer clear. Here, we review recent progress concerning how ubiquitin and SUMO participate in new regulatory roles in plant cell, and how ubiquitination and sumoylation control plant growth and development.
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Sweet pepper inbred lines (KNU1003, KNU1006, KNU1007, KNU1009, KNU1015, KNU1017 and KNU2006) developed at Kangwon National University (KNU) through conventional means, inbred lines (5AVS1, 5AVS2, 5AVS3, 5AVS5, 5AVS7 and 5AVS8) collected at Rural Development Administration (RDA) and inbred lines (SP12, SP27 and SP14) derived from anther culture were used as female parents and anther culture derived homozygous lines (SP9, SP10, SP14, SP24, SP25, SP27, SP30, SP32, SP34, SP38, SP43, SP45 and SP51) were used as male parents to produce F1 hybrids. A total of 37 F1 hybrids were evaluated for fruit yield and quality characters in summer season, 2007. Variation in fruit number, fruit weight, fruit yield per plant and fruit volume was observed among the F1 hybrids. Superiority on yield over standard/commercial varieties were differed among F1 hybrids. Hybrid 5AVS8 x SP45 exhibited highest heterosis over Special (16.5%) and Fiesta (24.7%). Fruit quality characters (fruit length, fruit width, pericarp thickness, total soluble solid, fruit shape and fruit color) were varied among the F1 hybrids. Fruit number, fruit weight and fruit volume per plant were correlated with fruit yield. Based on the standard heterosis expressed by the hybrids and quality characters evaluation, KNU1017 x SP27, 5AVS1 x SP43, 5AVS5 x SP27, 5AVS8 x SP45, SP12 x SP38 and SP27 x SP25 hybrids were found to be superior over commercial cultivars and are selected. Inbred lines of these hybrid combinations can be used to produce F1 hybrid seed for commercial production.
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Brachypodium distachyon is rapidly emerged in biological study and has been currently used as a model system for genetics and functional studies for crop improvement and biofuel production. Phosphinothricin (PPT) has been widely used as a selectable agent, which raises ammonium content and induces toxicity in non-transformed plant cells. However PPT selection is not much effective on Brachypodium callus consequently reducing transformation efficiency. In order to identify the efficient conditions of PPT selection, calli obtained from mature seeds of Brachypodium (PI 254867) were cultured on the callus inducing medium (CIM) or regeneration medium (ReM) containing serial dilutions of the PPT (0, 2, 5, 10, and 15 mg/l) in dark or light condition. Callus growth and ammonium content of each treatment were measured 2 weeks after the treatment. Although callus growth and ammonium content did not show much difference in CIM, slow callus growth and increased ammonium accumulation were found in ReM. No significant difference of ammonium accumulation in response to PPT was found between dark and light conditions. In order to identify major factors affecting increased ammonium accumulation, callus was cultured on the media in combined with phytohormones (2,4-D or kinetin) and carbon sources (sucrose or maltose) containing with PPT (5 mg/l). The highest ammonium content in callus was found in the kinetin and maltose media.
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In a previous study, we mapped 12 QTLs for 1,000 grain weight (TGW) in the 172 BC2F2 lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa ssp. Japonica cv. Hwaseongbyeo and O. rufipogon. These QTLs explained 5.4 – 11.4% of the phenotypic variance for TGW. Marker-aided selection combined with backcrosses was employed to develop QTL-NILs for each QTL. BC2F2 lines with each target QTL were backcrossed to Hwaseongbyeo twice and then allowed to self to produce BC4F5 populations. SSR markers linked to TGW were employed to select QTL-NILs with the respective target QTL. Six QTL-NILs with the recurrent parent, Hwaseongbyeo were evaluated for nine traits for three years from 2007 and 2009. Differences were observed between each of the 6 QTL-NILs and Hwaseongbyeo in TGW. In addition to TGW, these QTL-NILs displayed differences in other agronomic traits possibly indicating a tight linkage of genes controlling these traits. The direction of the QTL for TGW in 6 QTL-NILs was consistent as in the BC2F2 lines from the same cross. Difference in TGW between each of the QTL-NILs and Hwaseongbyeo was associated with the difference in one or two grain shape traits; grain length, grain width, and grain thickness. SSR markers linked to the QTL for TGW will facilitate selection of the grain shape character in a breeding program to diversify grain shape and provide the foundation for map-based gene isolation. Also, the QTL-NILs developed in this report and the progenies from crosses between the QTL-NILs will be useful in clarifying epistatic interactions among QTLs for TGW.
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is broadly regarded as an excellent methodology for reverse genetics applications. Approximately 15,000 M3 TILLING lines have been developed via the application of gamma-ray irradiation to rice seeds (cv. Donganbyeo), followed by subsequent selections. In an effort to evaluate the genetic diversity of the TILLING population, we have employed the AFLP multiple dominant marker technique. A total of 96 (0.64%) TILLING lines as well as Donganbyeo were selected randomly and their genetic diversity was assessed based on AFLP marker polymorphisms using 5 primer combinations. An average of 100.4 loci in a range of 97 to 106 was detected using these primer combinations, yielding a total of 158 (31.4%) polymorphic loci between Donganbyeo and each of the 96 lines. A broad range of similarity from 80% to 96% with an average of 89.4% between Donganbyeo and each of the 96 lines was also observed, reflecting the genetic diversity of the TILLING population. Approximately 28 polymorphic loci have been cloned and their sequences were BLAST-searched against rice whole genome sequences, resulting in 20 matches to each of the gene bodies including exon, intron, 1 kb upstream and 1 kb downstream regions. Six polymorphic loci evidenced changes in the coding regions of genes as compared to the rice pseudomolecules, 4 loci of which exhibited missense mutations and 2 loci of which exhibited silent mutations. Therefore, the results of our study show that the TILLING rice population should prove to be a useful genetic material pool for functional genomics as well as mutation breeding applications.
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
딸기의 우수한 교배친을 선발하기 위해 11품종의 자방친을 자식시켜 후대실생 개체들의 성능 검정한 결과 초세, 내병성, 수량성 등이 우수한 ‘아키히메’, ‘매향’, ‘설향’ 등 3품종을 자방친으로 선발하였다. 선발된 3품종에 대하여 조합능력 검정을 한 결과 초세는 ‘아키히메’가 자방친인 조합에서 가장 우수하였고, 성숙기는 ‘설향’이 자방친인 조합에서 빠른 경향이었다. 그리고 ‘설향’ × ‘도치오토메’, ‘설향’ × ‘금향’, ‘설향’ × ‘원교3111호’
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
한국의 전역에 자생하는 달래를 대상으로 육종 및 재배의 기초 자료를 얻고자 자생환경과 자생특성을 조사하였다. 자생지의 광환경은 121개의 자생지 중에서 반음지가 66개의 54.6%, 음지가 42개의 34.7%, 그리고 양지가 13개의 10.7%의 순이었다. 자생하는 장소는 밭 주변이 55개의 45.4%, 사찰 주변이 34개의 28.1%, 산 주변이 22개의 18.2%, 하천변이 7개의 5.8%, 그리고 도로변이 3개의 2.5%의 순이었다. 자생지는 33
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 국내 수집 잡초성벼에 존재하는 잎도열병 저항성 관련 유전자를 탐색하고, 이 저항성유전자와 연관된 분자마커를 탐색하는 것이다. 도열병에 감수성인 자포니카 품종인 낙동벼와 도열병에 강한 잡초성벼인 강화앵미11을 교잡하여 120개 RILs를 육성하여, 도열병 균주반응과 잎도열병 밭못자리검정을 통한 저항성 유전자 탐색에 이용하였다. 1. 총 45개 도열병 균주를 이용하여 양친들을 검정한 결과, 잡초성벼 강화앵미11은 25개 균주에 대하여 저항성 반응
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
멜론과 참외의 국내 소비 시장이 확대됨에 따라 다양한 F1 품종이 개발되고 있다. 멜론과 참외의 F1 품종의 순도를 검정하기 위해 포장재배 등의 순도검정법이 이용되고 있으나 시간과 노력이 매우 많이 소요되기 때문에 분자마커를 이용한 순도검정법의 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 멜론의 EST 염기정보로부터 30개의 SNP 프라이머 조합을 고안하여 멜론과 참외의 순도 검정을 위한 HRM분석방법을 개발하였다. 멜론 두 품종과 참외 한 품종의 양친 사이에 HR
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
벼 2기작 재배의 전기작 재배에서 농업적 특성 및 품질 등을 고려하여 선발한 유망계통 ‘밀양255호’의 주요 특성을 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. 극조생 공시계통인 ‘밀양255호’의 출수기는 7월 3일로 대비품종인 ‘진부올벼’보다 2일 늦었으며, 간장과 수장은 각각 58.3 cm, 16.0 cm이며, 주당수수와 수당립수는 각각 18.0개 52.5개였다. 수량은 394 kg/10a로 12%정도 증수되었다. 2. ‘밀양255호’의 현미의 길이, 폭 및 두께는
2010.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
국내에서 육성된 품종인 ‘일품’을 대상으로 현미배양 후대의 주요 농업형질에 대한 변이체의 발생양상과 범위 및 종류등을 조사하고 변이집단의 크기와 변이집단의 육종적 유용성에 대한 결과는 다음과 같다. ‘일품’ 완숙현미 유래 캘러스로 부터 424개체의 식물체를 재분화하고 297개체로부터 종자를 채종하여 계통 재배하면서 간장, 출수기 등 주요 농업형질과 형태적 변이를 조사하였다. 주요 농업형질과 형태적 특성이 모품종과 다른 변이체는 전체의 21.5%인 64계