‘춘풍적축면’은 ‘포자비적축면’과 ‘먹치마’를 교배 육성한 잎상추로 누운타원형 잎을 가진 축면 상추이다. 2000년 교배하여 2007년까지 계통육종법에 선발과 고정을 하였다. 전국 6개 지역(대관령, 경기, 충북, 전북, 경남, 제주)에서 2년간 봄, 여름, 가을 재배하였을 때 평균 2,069 kg/10a을 나타내어 기존 품종보다 주당 53매 정도의 잎을 수확할 수 있으며, 주당 무게는 평균 372 g으로 6% 수량성이 많은 품종이다. ‘춘풍적축면’은
A new cultivar of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) with wrinkled traverse elliptic and deep red leaf, ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ which has late bolting and deep red expression leaf color was developed from a cross between ‘Pojabijeokchukmyeon’ (red leaf color and late bolting) and ‘Meokchima’ (Deep red and low yield). The cross and selection for advanced lines had been done by the pedigree method during 2000-2007. The advanced lines were evaluated for yield and adaptability at several locations in Korea (Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Jeollabuk-do, Gyeongnam-do, and Jeju-do) from 2008 to 2009. The ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ has gray seed color and traverse elliptic leaves. The type of matured stage is medium shape between ‘chukmyeon’ and ‘chima’ leaf lettuce. Compared to ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’, marketable yield of ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ was higher by 6% (at 372 g per plant) and ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ has particularly improved expression of deep red leaf color in high temperature cultivation in the field. The shelf-life of ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ was three weeks longer than ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’ at 4℃. The anthocyanin content of ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ was higher than that of ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’ with 17.5 mg/100g. The BSL (latucin+8-deoxylactucin+lactucopicrin) content of ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ is lower than that of ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’. Furthermore, its taste is better, more crispy, and sweeter than those of ‘Dukseomjeokchukmyeon’. So we recommend that new cultivar ‘Chunpungjeokchukmyeon’ can be suitable for cultivation in spring season than summer season.