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직립형이고 저장성이 개선된 버들송이 신품종 “상강” 육성 KCI 등재

Breeding of a New Cultivar, ‘Sanggang’ with Upright Stipe and Improved Shelf life in Agrocybe aegerita

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/34657
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한국육종학회지 (Korea Journal of Breeding Science)
한국육종학회 (The Korean Breeding Society)

버들송이의 기존품종의 단점을 보완하고 품종 다양화를 위해 단포자 교잡에 의해 육성된 ‘상강’의 주요 특성은 다음과 같다. 균사 생장적온은 26~28℃, 버섯 발생 및 생육온도는 18~20℃이며, 미송톱밥+밀기울+쌀겨+건비지(70:10:10:10, v/v) 배지에서 병재배 시, 배양온도 22~23℃에서 배양일수는 38일, 발이 및 생육온도 18~20℃에서 발이일수는 7일, 자실체생육일수는 5일로, 재배일수는 50일이 되어 ‘미황’과 같았다. 자실체는 개체

‘Sanggang’, a new cultivar of Agrocybe aegerita, was bred with mating between monokaryotic strains isolated from ‘GMAG45109’ and ‘GMAG45107’ in Mushroom Research Station, Gyonggi Province A.R.E.S. in 2009. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth of ‘Sanggang’ was 26 to 28℃ on PDA(potato dextrose agar) medium. The optimum temperature for the primordia formation and fruiting body development of ‘Sanggang’, was 18 to 20℃. In the bottle cultivation of ‘Sanggang’, the period of spawn running was around 38 days at 22 to 23℃ and the period from scratching of inoculum to harvest was 12 days. These characteristics of ‘Sanggang’ were not different from those of ‘Mihwang’ (control). ‘Sanggang’ had brown-colored pileus, whereas ‘Mihwang’ had yellowish brown-colored one. In bottle cultivation, ‘Sanggang’ had a little smaller but stronger stipe and pilus than ‘Mihwang’, and ‘Sanggang’, as well as ‘Mihwang’, had upright stipe. And ‘Sanggang’ was shown to have lower veil opening ratio than that of ‘Mihwang’ at harvest time. The yield of fruiting bodies of ‘Sanggang’ was 134 g/850㎖ bottle, which was similar to that of ‘Mihwang’. Resistance of ‘Sanggang’ against Trichoderma spp., as well as ‘Mihwang’, was weak. Freshness of ‘Sanggang’ was maintained for 13 days under storage temperature 4℃, while that of ‘Mihwang’ was maintained for 10 days.

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