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유통 환제의 유해 중금속 함량 및 위해도 평가 KCI 등재

The Content and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Herbal Pills

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/347484
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한국식품위생안전성학회지 (Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety)
한국식품위생안전성학회 (Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety)

The objective of this study is investigation of contamination levels and assessment of health risk effects of heavy metals in herbal pills. 31 Items and 93 samples were obtained for this investigation from major herbal medicine producing areas, herbal markets and on-line supermarkets from Jan to Jun in 2010. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer method was conducted for the quantitative analysis of Pb, Cd and As. In addition, the mercury analyzer system was conducted for that of Hg without sample digestion. The average contents of heavy metals in samples were as follows : 0.87 mg/kg for Pb, 0.08 mg/kg for Cd, 2.87 mg/kg for As and 0.16 mg/kg for Hg, respectively. In addition, the average contents of heavy metals in different parts of plants, including cortex, fructus, herba, radix, seed, algae and others were 0.63 mg/kg, 3.94 mg/kg, 1.42 mg/kg, 1.05 mg/kg, 0.16 mg/kg, 22.31 mg/kg and 10.17 mg/kg, respectively. After the estimations of dietary exposure, the acceptable daily intake (ADI), the average daily dose (ADD), the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) and the relative hazard of heavy metals were evaluated. As the results, the relative hazards compared to PTWI in samples were below the recommended standard of JECFA as Pb 3.1%, Cd 0.9%, Hg 0.5%. Cancer risks through slope factor (SF) by Ministry of Environment Republic Korea and Environmental Protection Agency was 4.24 × 10−7 for Pb and 3.38 × 10−4 for As (assuming that the total arsenic content was equal to the inorganic arsenic). Based on our results, possible Pb-induced cancer risks in herbal pills according to parts used including cortex, fructus, herba, radix, seed, algae and others were 1.95 × 10−7, 1.45 × 10−6, 2.14 × 10−7, 6.27 × 10−7, 1.99 × 10−8, 3.61 × 10−7 and 9.64 × 10−8, respectively. Possible As-induced cancer risks in herbal pills by parts used including cortex, fructus, herba, radix, seed, algae and others were 1.54 × 10−5, 7.24 × 10−5, 1.23 × 10−4, 2.02 × 10−5, 3.25 × 10−6, 2.18 × 10−3 and 5.67 × 10−6 respectively. Taken together, these results indicate that the majority of samples except for some samples with relative high contents of heavy metals were safe.

 서 론
 재료 및 방법
 실험 방법
  납, 카드뮴, 비소
   시험용액의 조제
   기기 분석
   회수율 검정
 결과 및 고찰
  중금속 함량
  위해도 평가
 요 약
  • 이성득(서울시보건환경연구원, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research institute of Public Health and Environment) | Sung-deuk Lee Correspondence to
  • 이영기(단국대학교, Dankook University) | Young-ki Lee
  • 김무상(서울시보건환경연구원, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research institute of Public Health and Environment) | Moo-sang Kim
  • 박석기(단국대학교, Dankook University) | Seok-ki Park
  • 김연선(한양여자대학, Hanyang Women's College) | Yeon-sun Kim
  • 채영주(서울시보건환경연구원, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research institute of Public Health and Environment) | Young-zoo Chae