A Study on Prison Overcrowding as the Condition of Correction Development
Prison population has heavily increased therefore prison overcrowding is the serious issues and tasks to our correctional authorities. The goal of correction is re-socialization of inmate. Therefore all the conditions are fulfilled in order to achievement this goal of correction and correction development. But under the prison overcrowding the energy of correction administration is given rather than correctional treatment for inmates for the purpose of guaranteeing prison safety of public order. Prisons must be place where decency and human rights are guaranteed for inmates. Prison overcrowding is the infringement upon the fundamental rights of inmates. Therefore these prison overcrowding issues and tasks should be solved as soon as possible. The goal of this study was to research the best and most efficient and rational plan or countermeasures solving prison overcrowding problem in out country namely to the minimization the imprisonment. Finally the critical cause of the prison overcrowding can be found in overcountermeasure by all the criminal justice system and I emphasize that the issues and tasks of overcrowding of korea will be solved when all the criminal justice system namely police, a public prosecutor, judge correction staff treat offenders in view of criminal policy.