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황정 엽수가 종근 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향

The Impact of Polygonatum Leaf on the Quantity and Quality of Radicles

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/352077
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한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

Background : Polygonatum is a perennial herbaceous crop that is further classified into P. falcatum A. Gray (wild vegetation of Jeju, Japan), P. sibiricum F. Delaroche (wild vegetation of Korea north, China, Russia, and Mongol), and P. stenophyllum MAx (wild vegetation of South of Danyang), with the herbal name of Rhizoma polygonati. Polygonatum is harvested after 5 - 6 years since planting, and the quality of the radicle is a major factor determining the quantity of harvest. This study presents the morphological characteristics to predict the later quantity of radicles when planting polygonatum, and develops the methods for the prediction.
Methods and Results : This study investigated the ground-level growth and the quantity of radicles in underground in 5-years-old, 4-leaf, 5-leaf, and 6- or more leaved polygonatum planted in the Chungbuk Agricultural Research and Extension Services. According to the investigation on the ground-level growth by the number of leaves, the 5-leaved plant showed the best plant length and nodal leaf number; 171 ㎝ and 24/stock, respectively. On the other hand, the leaf number and leaf weight were as heavy as 85 leaves and 58.3 g/stock, respectively, in 6-leaved plants or plants with more leaves. The leaf area was as wide as 15.6 ㎠ with 5-leaved plant, and the chlorophyll was also high. The investigation on the underground growth showed the best results in 6-leaved plants or plants with more leaves: the root length was 23.8 ㎝, number of radicle node was 5.7, and root weight was 291 g. The quantity was highest at 2,148 ㎏/10 a with 6-leaved plants or plants with more leaves, and at the lowest at 907 ㎏/10 a in 4-leaved plants. The profit analysis showed a profit of 3,859,000 won/5 years in 6-leaved plants or plants with more leaves, which 86% higher than the 4-leaved plants.
Conclusion : If plants with6-leaf or more leaves at the ground level are selected and used as radicles for new polygonatum packaging, the quantity of radicles has increased by 59% and the profit increased by 86%, compared to 4-leaved plants.

  • 윤철구(충청북도농업기술원) | Cheol Ku Youn Corresponding author
  • 김기현(충청북도농업기술원) | Ki Hyun Kim
  • 이경자(충청북도농업기술원) | Kyung Ja Lee
  • 김영호(충청북도농업기술원) | Young Ho Kim
  • 홍성택(충청북도농업기술원) | Seong Taek Hong
  • 김영국(농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부) | Young Guk Kim