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BSC 구현 및 성과 사례 연구

A Case study on BSC system Implemetation and Performance

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/354392
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한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

This study analyzes the process of establishing BSC of research institute. This case could be a reference to other research institute for BSC introduction. In this study, the characteristics of A institute BSC is reviewed.
A institute set up the BSC system at July, 2006 and made it possible to automatically connect the performance measurement and evaluation of department by using KPI. A institute verify the effectiveness of BSC performance using the SFO(Strategy Focused Organization) assessment.

 1. 서론
 2. 연구 배경
 3. 추진경위
 4. A 연구소 BSC의 특징
  4.1 전략기획과 성과관리의 2단계 프로젝트
  4.2 PDT를 통한 전략 개발
  4.3 연구소 및 개발본부의 전략체계도 개발
  4.4 말단조직까지 BSC 성과관리 구축
  4.5 전소원이 공유하는 성과관리
  4.6 시범운영을 통한 검증
  4.7 직무성과계약의 자동화
  4.8 성과평가 시뮬레이션
 5. 전략집중형조직으로의 변화
  5.1 전략의 구체화
  5.2 조직의 전략 정렬
  5.3 전략의 일상업무화
  5.4 지속적인 프로세스
  5.5 최고경영진의 리더십
 6. 추진성과
 7. 결론
  • 이정구(국방과학연구소)
  • 유정섭(국방과학연구소)
  • 이찬(국방과학연구소)