Petroleum refineries have been considered as an important emission source for atmospheric volatile hazardous air pollutants(HAPs). The emission source includes petroleum refinery processes and process equipment. The control strategy for volatile HAPs requires emission estimations of these pollutants. However, systematic methods of volatile HAPs emission from petroleum refineries have not yet been established. Accordingly, present study surveyed the estimation method of volatile HAPs emitted from the petroleum refinery processes and process equipment. The emission estimation methods for the petroleum refinery processes are applied for 11 petroleum refining facilities: fluidized catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, moving bed catalytic cracking, compressed engine, blowdown system, vacuum distilled column condensator, natural gas or distilled boiler, natural gas or distilled heater, oil boiler, oil heater and flare. Four emission estimation methods applied for the petroleum refinery process equipment are as follows: average emission factor approach, screening ranges approach, EPA correlation approach and unit-specific correlation approach. The process equipment for which emission factors are available are valves, pump seals, connectors, flanges and open-ended lines.