The Archive of Memory Crisis and Archive Fever: A Study on Atlas of Gerhard Richter
게르하르트 리히터(Gerhard Richter, 1932∼ )는 1960년대 중반부터 자신이 수집하거나 직접 촬영한 사진, 인쇄물 삽화, 스케치로 구성한 <아틀라스 Atlas>를 제작하고 있다. 리히터는 자신의 거대한 트라우마인 나치 정권과 2차 세계대전의 흔적부터 가족과 아이들의 따뜻한 추억까지 <아틀라스>에 저장해왔다. 처참했던 과거를 의도적으로 망각 하려는 기억 위기에서 잠재된 기억을 소환해내려는 아카이브 열병이 모순적으로 발생했 고 <아틀라스>가 시작되었다. <아틀라스>는 리히터의 기억을 저장하는 매체로서 존재 하지만 망각과 기억 사이, 해체와 결합 사이, 은폐와 폭로 사이를 넘나들며 이중적인 특징을 보이고 있다. 모호하고 이중적인 형태로 담겨 있지만 <아틀라스>에 분명히 존재하고 있는 리히터의 기억과 트라우마의 흔적들은 리히터가 살아온 복잡한 역사의 소용돌이 속에서 구축한 자신만의 생존 방식이라 볼 수 있을 것이다.
Since the mid-60’s, Gerhard Richter is working on Atlas which is composed of photographs he collected or took by himself, printed illustrations, sketches and drawings. Atlas is a kind of archive containing not only massive materials regarding Richter’s works but also traces of his everyday life, too. Archive involves a suppression of memory accompanied by a trauma which can be interpreted as a similar vein with the fact Richter composed Atlas after experiencing the Nazi of Germany and the World War II. Moreover, it can be presumed that Richter produced Atlas, based on the sense of loss and yearning regarding the root of his life, considering Richter composed it after he came to the West Germany from the East Germany in asylum. Atlas is not only a source of Richter’s works, but simultaneously, it is also a crucial independent work as itself.
Although, Atlas exists as a storage medium of Richter, it shows a dual feature which exposes and hides memories at the same time. As Richter has a neutral and vague attitude within in his photo-painting works through the blurring technique, Atlas shows a basis of his attitude. For Richter, dualism concepts such as life and death, victory and loss, assaulter and victim, capitalism and socialism were all meaningless. Everyone was just a victim of ideologies and social systems and only pains and scars of loss were left behind. Although it is vague and ambivalent, Atlas contains Richter’s memories and traces of his trauma, and they are his unique survival methods that he has been constructed with his complex vortex of history.
For Richter, Atlas is a storage space where Richter’s trauma is stored and erased simultaneously, and also a space of mourning and healing. Atlas is a starting point of Richter’s art works and it will pierce his whole life and will be completed at the very last moment of his life.