강원도 원주지역 초등학생의 굴절상태에 관한 연구
목적 : 본 연구에서는 강원도 원주지역의 초등학생 굴절상태를 비교하여 지역적 굴절 변화의 기초자료로 활용 하고자 한다.
방법 : 나안시력은 모두 6그룹으로 분류하였으며, 나이에 따라 8세 58안, 9세 69안, 10세 55안, 11세 60안, 12세 33안, 13세 23안으로 분류하였다. 근시 정도에 따른 구면 굴절력은 경도근시 –2.00 D 미만, 중등도근시 –2.00 D ~ –5.00 D 미만, 고도근시 –5.00 D 이상으로 분류하여 총 298안의 근시안을 대상으로 조절마비제 점안 전과 후의 굴절검사를 시행하였다.
결과 : 나안시력 0.5-0.6 범위의 경우가 101안으로 가장 많은 안구 수가 해당되었으며, 평균 구면값은 –0.83± 0.25 D, 굴절 범위는 –0.25 D에서 –1.50 D로 평균 나이는 10.2세로 나타났다. 나이에 따른 구면 굴절력 비교에서 는 8세 어린이의 MR 값은 –1.15±0.64 D, CR 값은 –0.92±0.75 D로 CR의 근시도가 0.24±0.36 D 낮게 측정 되었으며(t=-4.745, p<0.050), 13세 어린이의 MR 값은 –1.40±1.36 D, CR 값은 –1.26±1.26 D로 CR의 근시 도가 0.21±0.21 D 낮게 측정되었다(t=-2.614, p<0.050). 근시 정도에 따른 MR과 CR 정도를 비교한 결과 8세 어린이의 경도근시의 MR 값은 –1.02±0.44 D, CR 값은 –0.79±0.62 D로 CR의 근시도가 0.24±0.37 D 낮게 측정되었고(t=-4.473, p<0.050), 13세 어린이의 경도근시의 MR 값은 –0.86±0.51 D, CR 값은 –0.75±0.51 D로 CR의 근시도가 0.19±0.20 D 낮게 측정되었다(t=-1.810, p<0.050).
결론 : 강원도 원주지역 초등학생을 대상으로 연령별로 구면 굴절력의 MR과 CR 정도를 비교하였더니 8세에서 13세 어린이의 구면 굴절력 및 경도근시 차이에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 또한 9세를 제외한 모든 연령대에서 나이가 많아질수록 미세하게 굴절력이 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to utilize the basic data of regional refraction change by comparison of the refractive state of elementary school students in Wonju, Gangwon-do.
Methods : Uncorrected visual acuity was classified into 6 groups, according to age, such as 58 eyes of 8 years, 69 eyes of 9 years, 55 eyes of 10 years, 60 eyes of 11 years, 33 eyes of 12 years, and 23 eyes of 13 years. The spherical refractive power according to the degree of myopia was classified as mild myopia of less than –2.00 D, moderation myopia of –2.00 D ~ -5.00 D, and high myopia of –5.00 D or higher. A total of 298 myopic eyes were performed refraction before and after cycloplegic refraction(CR).
Results : Uncorrected visual acuity of 101 eyes having 0.5~0.6 was shown the highest, spherical mean value was –0.83±0.25 D, the refraction range was –0.25 D to –1.50 D, and average age was 10.2 years. In comparison of spherical powers according to age, the manifest refraction(MR) value of children at 8 years was –1.15±0.64 D, CR value was –0.92±0.75 D, and myopia under CR was 0.24±0.36 D lower(t=-4.745, p<0.050), and the MR value of children at 13 years was –1.40±1.36 D, CR value was –1.26±1.26 D, and myopia under CR was 0.21±0.21 D lower (t=-2.614, p<0.050). As a result of comparing between MR and CR according to the degree of myopia, the MR and the CR values of mild myopia in 8 years children were –1.02±0.44 D and –0.79±0.62 D, respectively, and the myopia under CR was 0.24±0.37 D lower(t=-4.473, p<0.050), and that in 13 years children were –0.86±0.51 D and – 0.75±0.51 D, respectively and the myopia under CR was 0.19±0.20 D lower(t=-1.810, p<0.050)
Conclusion : There was statistically a significant difference in spherical power and mild myopia between 8 and 13 years children, when compared with the MR and the CR values of spherical power for elementary school students in Wonju, Gangwon-do. In addition, it was confirmed that the refractive power increases finely at all ages except for 9 years.