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论孔子的“文质彬彬” KCI 등재

Discuss on Confucius’ Duly Blended Ornamentation and Substance

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/369928
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
동방문화와 사상 (East Asian Culture and Thought)
동방문화대학원대학교 동양학연구소 (Institute of Oriental Studies)

“质”的本义是“抵押物”, 它由礼仪活动中质于鬼神、上帝的“物质”, 变为为政治 交往中体现诚信、真诚的“人质”或“物质”, 再变为君子之诚信、真诚、朴素的品 格。 “文”的本义为“纹身”, 引申为“纹饰”, 又进一步衍化为事物的外在表现形式及 形式之隆美。 孔子的“文质彬彬”本指人的服饰之礼, 指人的衣服着装等与其道德 品格及身份、地位等礼制相符合。 “文质彬彬”既指艺术的形式与所表达的内容要 相辅相成, 和谐统一, 不能只有华美的形式而内容空洞, 也不能只有质朴、真实的 内容但缺乏美的形式。 其次, 艺术的形式必须与艺术的材料质地相称, 精美的材 料、贵重的材料必须有精美的形式与其相对应。 反之,粗朴、普通的材料也须有与 之相适合的粗旷、朴素的形式,二者相互彰显、相辅相成。

The primitive meaning of naturalsubstance (质)is the "pawn", originnally it meant sacrifices pledged to ghosts and gods during the sacred ceremony, and it changed into hostage(人质) or mortgagedproperty (物质) which expressed the good faith, sincerity, honesty in political activities, so it finally became a synonym for good faith. The original meaning of Ornamentation referred to Tattoo, then changed to ornamentation, further meant the beautiful form of any objects and things. Ornamentation and Substance are duly blended, which means a gentleman should wear the same fine costumes as he has good character when he joins the social ritual. Duly blended ornamentation and substance which is used in the field of art aesthetics, means that the form and the material must be blended harmoniously, good and precious materials has to corporate with exquisite forms. On the other hand, the thick and common materials also should have suitable forms.

논문 초록
  • 喩仲文(武汉理工大学 艺术与设计学院教授) | Yu Zhongwen (School of Art and Design Wuhan University of Technology)