Songdae(松臺) Ha Seon(河璿)'s Awareness of Reality and Activities in His Family
송대 하선의 현실인식과 문중활동
松臺 河璿(1583-?)은 경상남도 진주시 수곡면 사곡리에 세거한 晉陽河氏 判尹公派의 士人이다. 그의 조부는 喚醒齋 河洛(1530-1592) 이고, 從祖父는 覺齋 河沆(1538-1590)이며, 伯父는 松亭 河受一 (1553-1612)인데, 이들은 모두 南冥 曺植(1501-1572)의 高弟이다. 이로써 수곡의 진양하씨는 江右 지역 南冥淵源家를 대표하는 문중임을 알 수 있다. 임진왜란이 일어난 1592년 4월 경상북도 상주에 있던 조부와 부친이 함께 왜구의 손에 목숨을 잃었고, 당시 열 살이던 하선은 진주 수곡 으로 돌아와 일생 문중을 건사하고 계승하는 것으로 삶을 영위하였다. 이후 나라에서 조부와 부친의 죽음을 忠孝의 표상으로 추숭하여 旌閭 하였고, 이를 계기로 송대의 가문은 忠孝家로서의 위상을 드러낼 수 있었다. 하선은 선현을 현양하고 후손에게 계승시켜 주기 위해 다양한 활동을 전개하였다. 만년에 『松亭集 』과 『覺齋集 』의 跋文을 쓰고, 문중의 世系를 정리했으며, 나아가 상주에 있던 조부와 부친의 묘소를 수곡으로 이장하고 白軒 李景奭(1595-1671)·東溟 鄭斗經(1597-1673) 등 당대 저명한 인물에게서 조부와 부친의 墓碣과 碑文을 받아냄으로써 문중의 위상을 드높였다. 이는 松臺家의 후손이 이후 수곡 진양하씨 문중의 일원으로 세거할 수 있는 터전을 마련한 대표적 활동이었다. 또한 하선은 지방에 세거한 재야지식인이었으나 전란 이후 국가의 시책에 끊임없는 관심을 보였고, 특히 전란의 참상을 몸소 체험한 만큼 兵制의 폐단에 더욱 절실하였다. 효종 임금이 즉위한 후 재야인사에게 국정에 반영할 시책을 구하자, 하선은 5천여 자의 상소문을 지어 당시 만연하던 여러 폐단과 이를 해결한 구제책을 올렸다. 조정에서는 이 상소의 내용을 인정하여 公論으로 하선에게 主簿 벼슬을 하사하였는데, 이로써 하선의 士意識과 현실인식이 당대에도 인정받을 만큼 시의 적절한 것이었음을 확인하였다.
Songdae Ha Seon(1583-?) was a member of Jinyang Ha family (晉陽河氏) under Panyungongpa(判尹公派) that lived in Sagok-ri (士谷里), Sugok-myeon(水谷面), Jinju City(晉州市), Gyeongsang nam Province for generations and did not hold a government job as a classical scholar. His grandfather was Hwanseongjae(喚醒齋) Ha Rak(河洛), his great grandfather was Gakjae(覺齋) Ha Hang(河 沆), and his uncle was Songjeong(松亭) Ha Su-il(河受一). These three members of his family were great men of letters under Nammyong(南冥) Jo Shik(曺植). It suggests that Jinyang Ha family of Sugok was one of the families representing the Nammyong origin family in the Gangwoo(江右) region. It was thus expected that Ha Seon would have exhibited a particular tendency toward the Nammyong School, but there was no confirming his clear tendency toward it due to the lack of materials. In April, 1592 when Imjinwaeran broke out, his grandfather and father that were in Sangju(尙州), Gyeongsangbuk Province were killed by the invading Japanese troops. Ha Seon, who was ten years old at that time, returned to Sugok, Jinju and devoted the rest of his life to taking care of and inheriting his family. After the war was over, the government admired the death of his grandfather and father as a symbol of loyalty and filial piety and established a monument for its commemoration. Since then, his family got to highlight its status as a family of loyalty and filial piety. He engaged in a variety of activities to demonstrate this status of his family to the world and help his descendents inherit the family. He wrote an epilogue for Songjeongjip(松亭集) and Gakjaejip(覺齋集) in his later years, arranged the lineage of the family, and further moved the tombs of his grandfather and father from Sangju to Sugok, thus building a foundation for his descendents to reside there as part of the Sugok Jinyang Ha clan for generations to come. Ha Seon was an intellectual out of office that lived in a local area for generations, but he showed ongoing interest in the government's policies after the war. Having first-hand experiences with the horrors of war, he was especially urgent to remedy the evil effects of the military system. When King Hyojong solicited policies to be reflected on government administration from figures out of office after his accession, Ha Seon wrote a public appeal of approximately 5,000 letters containing various evil effects prevalent in those days and solutions for them. The royal court recognized the content of his appeal and granted the government title of Jubu(主簿) to him based on the public opinions. This offers a clear picture of his consciousness as a classical scholar and his awareness of reality.