압출성형 결과 최근 관심이 많은 구증구포 흑삼에 함유 되는 진세노사이드인 Rg2, Rg5 등의 함량이 바렐온도가 높은 조건에서 매우 많이 증가되는 결과를 볼 수 있다 기존의 연구는 실험실 수준의 압출 성형기를 사용하였으나 산업화가 가능한 pilot-scale 설비를 사용하여 scale-up 공정의 가능성을 확인하였다. 또한 preconditioner를 활용하여 압출성형 전에 수증기에 의한 수화 및 열처리를 통해서 보다 효율적인 인삼 가공공정이 가능한 공정으로 운영하였다. 압출성형 결과 최근 관심이 많은 구증구포 흑삼에 함유되는 진세노사이드인 Rg2, Rg5 등의 함량이 바렐온도가 높은 조건에서 매우 많이 증가되는 결과를 볼 수 있다. 이는 pilot scale twin-screw extruder 설비를 활용한 공정이 인삼의 가공 공정으로 산업화에 유용하게 사용될 수 있는 결과라 사료된다.
The TX57-Extruder (TX-57, Wenger Co., Sabetha, Kansas, USA), run by this university, was used to observe the changes in the active ingredients of ginseng. The TX57-extruder is a pilot plant twin screw extruder whose productivity is 400-800 kg/h. Ginseng and brown rice were dried (60oC, 24 h), while the sample was pulverized into 50 mesh and mixed at a ratio of 1:9 and then extruded. The extruder operating condition was activated under two conditions of barrel temperature. The extruded products with high barrel temperature showed a high expansion rate, as well as the important ingredients of ginseng. The contents of ginsenoside-Rg2 and ginsenoside-Rh2 were high. The contents of ginsenoside-Rg4 and ginsenoside-Rg5 were increased in the extruded product with high extrusion temperature compared with the white ginseng. In addition, the process to enable more efficient ginseng processing through hydration and heat treatment by steam before extrusion was executed. As a result of extrusion, the contents of ginsenosides such as Rg2 and Rg5 contained in the recently-interested black ginseng have been increased significantly in the condition of high-barrel temperature. This result shows that the process using pilot plant twin screw extruder equipment can be useful for industrialization as a method of processing ginseng.