Investigation of the Relative Importance and Optimal Utility on Choice Attributes of Fermented Milk
This study examined the relative importance and the effective utility of fermented milk by consumers. The questionnaire was developed by an in-depth interview and literature review and was surveyed on-line. Statistical analysis was carried out descriptive analysis, ANOVA, paired t-test, and conjoint analysis using the SPSS package. First, an analysis of the consumption status of fermented milk found that the consumption frequency was 1-2 times/week (36.2%), 3-4 times/week (26.5%). The product choice attributes of fermented milk were found to be the same with ‘taste’ (3.93) and ‘manufacturing date/expired date’ (3.92), rated the highest, followed in order by, ‘sanitary quality’ (3.82), ‘origin of ingredient’ (3.81). Comparative analysis of the importance and satisfaction level of the choice attributes of fermented milk showed that the choice attributes with lower satisfaction compared to importance were ‘taste’, ‘nutrients’, ‘manufacturing data/expired date’, ‘sanitation quality’, ‘price’, ‘manufacturing method’ and ‘certification of quality’ (p<0.001, p<0.01). ‘Price’ and ‘certification of quality’ were the choice attributes of fermented milk classified as ‘Focus Here’ because of its high importance and low satisfaction. The preferred combination of relative importance in choice attributes of the fermented milk was ‘domestic resource’, ‘Eat with spoon’, and ‘none additives’. Therefore, it is believed that sales will increase if dairy companies can improve the ‘price’ and ‘certification of quality’. In addition, the use of domestic ingredients in the development of new fermented milk products in the future could be an important marketing factor in consumer choice.