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건조방법에 따른 건조대추의 성분 변화 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Changes in the Components of Dried Jujube Fruit by Drying Methods

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/40628
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

This study was carried out to investigate change in the components according to drying methods of jujube. Raw jujube was dried with five methods such as sun-drying, hot-air drying after pretreated with sunlight, blanching, microwave treatment, respectively. The contents of soluble sugar and protein in sun-dried jujube were higher than those of other drying methods. The free sugars of dried jujube were consisted of sucrose, glucose and fructose. And the contents of free sugar was not different by drying methods. The major organic acids of dried jujube were oxalic acid, citric acid and malic acid. The contents of glutamic acid, glycine and alanine were higher than those of other amino acids, and the content of each amino acid was not different by drying methods.

  • 신승렬
  • 한준표
  • 이숙희
  • 강미정
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